@BigMacMakesPlanes well, you need to make a propulsion system. If not, you need to stop pulling up immediately, go down at 10* to maintain speed. Use XML to lighten the drag and weight forces on your aircraft, and always check your W&B. That is usually the killer.
@UltraLight ok
Check your CoL, CoT, and CoM. You can learn about some of the physics in the tutorial.
@BigMacMakesPlanes well, you need to make a propulsion system. If not, you need to stop pulling up immediately, go down at 10* to maintain speed. Use XML to lighten the drag and weight forces on your aircraft, and always check your W&B. That is usually the killer.
@XP ok thamks
Oh well ill tag @Ultralight they make ultralights @BigMacMakesPlanes
@XP no ultralight
It has no propulsion to go forward or sustain flight. Try using the pitch controls to balance it. If that doesn’t work, add a way to move