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I'm making a licence plate system for my fictional country

3,508 SheriffHackdogMCPE  4.3 years ago

OK so this is what it looks like:

Classification color

White: Civilian
Red: Emergency Vehicles (except police vehicles)
Yellow: Public Transport
Green: Garbage Trucks
White: (with red font): Government
Black: Vehicles owned by Political Persons and Families (especially members of the Supreme Democracy Party and other political parties)
Blue: Police Vehicles
Orange: Foreign Resident-owned vehicles
Light Blue: Historic Vehicles (including vintage and retired military vehicles)
Dark Green: Military Vehicles
Gray: Luxury vehicles (you need Chaffeur registeration to get it)
Note: Date of Registration at bottom of plate (except for motorcycles)

Civilian, white (Black font)

123-ABC-xxx (12-34 XXX for motorcycle)
Area Codes:
WT- Wright Town
WA- Wright Airport
HWT- Historic Wright Town Area
DWT- Downtown Wright Town
KVA- Mt. Krakabloa Volcanic Zone
KSA- Krakabloa Island Shoreline Zone
BAA- Bandit Airport Area
MAV- Military Aviation Complex/ Yeager Airport Area

Emergency Color: Red (White font)

Note: Civilian Area codes also used
Department Codes:
FR- Fire Department
AM- Ambulance
RS- Rescue

Government, White (Red font)

Area codes also used
Department Codes:
CT- City or Town Hall
PS- Public Servant issued
MY- Mayor Bodyguard

Political Vehicle, Black (White Font)

Area codes used
123-SDP-XXX (PV1-DRKW for Presidential Vehicle)
SDP- Supreme Democracy Party
SEN- Senate
CS- Council of Sovereignty
PR- Parliament
DEC- Democratic Election Commission
M- Mayor
VM- Vice Mayor
DIA- Democratic Investigation Authority
SUP- Supreme Minister's Protection and Defence Forces

Sanitary, Green (White font)

Area codes used
GBT- Garbage Truck

Police, Blue (White font, for Krakabloan Democratic Police Force vehicles)

Area codes used
Vehicle Fleet Codes:
PPC- Police SUV/Sedan
DET- Detective
PT- Police Trucks
SPC- Micro Street Patrol Vehicles
SW- Special Weapons And Tactics Team (SWAT)
PRS- Prisoner Transport Service
Public transport, Yellow (Black font)
Area Codes used
Transportation fleet codes:
TX- Taxi
B- Bus (Coach or City)
SC- School Bus
G- Grab Drivers
U- Uber Drivers
S- Airport Shuttle
RC- Rental Car

Military (Dark Green, white font)

Area codes:
WFB- Wright Airbase
MAV- Yeager Airport Military Section
SNW- Snowstone Foreign Military Zone
Fleet codes: (Except for APCs and tanks)
1- Artillery
2- Troop Carrier Trucks
3- ICBM Launchers
4- Military Vehicles (4x4, Jeeps, Turret equipped vehicles)
5- MRAPs
6- AA Turret Trucks and Convoy Trucks
7- Military Cargo Trailers

Foreigner, Orange (white font)

Area codes not used (country codes used)
Country codes:
MK: Kingdom of Murowka
SR: Snowstone Republic
FB: Fghabomo Republic
SPK: Stuntpark Republic

And that's it, the post is long enough and i can't believe I did this for 1 hour
So the license plate design is mixed version's of European and Indonesian designs, and also, I'm posting my fictional license plates collection

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    Thanks for those interested including 5 upvotes

    Pinned 4.3 years ago
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    And also on a side note,
    123-ABC is the registration number while XXX is the area codes for civilian
    Other kinds of plates have their registration numbers and area codes are not in original order like in the civilian versions, and some version's have other kinds of codes. Codes are in either the center or right of the plate. (Depending on what type is the vehicle and what is the color of the plate it categorizes the vehicle)
    Also, other seats of government like Vice Minister have their own kind, but not mentioned in the post.
    And Foreign Resident and Historic Plates the same order for registration numbers on Civilian Plates. But, on the Foreign Resident plate, it has a country code instead of a area code. Example, 123-XXX-SR (SR is the country code for Snowstone Republic)
    And on the Luxury Car plate (applicable to cars with price of at least $1,000,000/100,000 Kraks) it also has the original Civilian registration number order, but the area code is replaced by a brand code, Example: 123-XXX-LM (LM is the brand code for Lamborghini) To get the Chaffeur/Luxury registration, you need to write the cost of the car (USD1,000,000/KDK100,000 or above)
    Area codes are on the left, center or right of the plate (varying on each classification)
    Also, this is not meant to disclose any personal information, it is meant for fictional use and is part of the role play.

    Pinned 4.3 years ago
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    lore intensifies

    4.2 years ago
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    9,275 UraniumOxide

    Ahhh, that makes sense. @SheriffHackdogMCPE

    4.2 years ago
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    hey that's pretty good

    4.3 years ago
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    @UraniumOxide that's how I'm amateur at forum country rps

    4.3 years ago
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    9,275 UraniumOxide

    My goodness, that's complex!

    4.3 years ago