Uhh guys if u read this, I have a problem with my website acc. I had my account ruined, even my gravatar. Im not hacked, BTW, but I was cooking egg for dinner and I left the phone at my mom's room, and my brother went to the room, and played with my phone so when I came back from cooking and shortly after dinner I went to get my phone and when i went to this website, I saw the default gravatar pic! So I went to the manage post, but the email was different, so I realized my brother had touched my phone then also this website and my account. And I also put my email again but it says it been used. Now I lost my pfp and my email, also, I need to confirm the fake email add that my brother just scrawled (I dont have that email and i have only 3 email adresses) i can't comment and upvote. (I can still do forum's tbh) Can someone help and how to bring back my original email to this website?
(Now fixed)my younger brother goofed with this website and changed the email address without my permission (account ruined)
3,508 SheriffHackdogMCPE
4.3 years ago
@SmSmThe10684 i have a picture of some b-17s that says has anybody ordered a shipment of whoop ass here it is I couldn't link the file so here is URL https://www.google.com/search?q=b-17+memes&tbm=isch&ved=2ahukewibz4zr-6htahwolz4khxqgazaq2-ccegqiabaa&oq=b-17+memes&gslcp=cgnpbwcqaziccaa6bqgaeledoggiabcxaxcdatohcaaqsqmqqzoecaaqqzogcaaqcbaeogqiabayumyaavjhugfgo7sbaarwahgagagraygbsiqsaqqwljqxmaeaoaebqgelz3dzlxdpei1pbwfaaqe&sclient=img&ei=e4vax9v5iy6r-gt6jiaacq&bih=612&biw=1300&rlz=1cayzdaenus896&surl=1&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=f16qVT2ck_96aM
Time to open a can of whoop ass
murder him, or i can do it if ya want
shoot him in the back of his head while he's walking down a hallway
@Sovetzkyrossiya name is rexet 8g
@Sovetzkyrossiya my brother is a yt with 45 vids and 102 subs
@SheriffHackdogMCPE do it
@SheriffHackdogMCPE Call the police, your brother... has broken the law, he is 10
@Sovetzkyrossiya or lock your phone with pattern or password?
@Sovetzkyrossiya what
@Sovetzkyrossiya lol, he doesn't have an account, and he's 10 and I'm 13 and sp website is for 13 years old and above
time to yeetus the deletus
Kill your brother
There's a link at the bottom of the page to contact the devs. They may be able to help you
@XP Ahh
Use a 10 minute mail. You'll have to sign up for a new gravatar also, but to make up for that you get an anonymous email so people dant track your email. Profit! I do it too, for challenge upvoter accounts.
"So I went to the manage post, but the email was different, so I realized my brother had touched my phone then also this website and my account. And I also put my email again but it says it been used." excerpt @jamesPLANESii
Go to your profile and go to manage account and change your email there. I'd be surprised if it tells you you can't change to your old email.
i reread it
can't help
you cannot comment with out a confirmed Email lol
i don't think you can post either
so this may be a lie
if not
change your email back
all you need is your password thats it
i can help
what is your moms credit card number
and what is your social security