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[Tutorial] How To Build A Pre-Dreadnought, The Proper Way

28.7k TWDDerSharkmarine  4.2 years ago

"1935, Colorized"

Hello, how are you today everyone?

So, since im a bit bored, from both having nothing to do and having the Ships Orders (i will make them, albeit very slowly), i decide to do a mini Tutorial

Welcome To Navy Republic Of Trislandia Naval Training

Or atleast training trough text

Today we will be talking how to make ships, what are the essential things for it, and what era it is, now considering that my experience at Modern Ships is little to nonexistant, we will be talking the one from the Big Guns Era or 1850 all the way to 1950, but to shorten things up, im just gonna talk about Pre-Dreadnought Era (1850-1905)

While this will not always be accurate, i atleast do search things up for this Tutorial, so you can be sure i did tell you the right thing

First and Foremost, the thing you need to think is what kind of navy do you want, as this will affect how you will build your ship

[Ship Type]

Say you want a Navy to defend yourself only, then you may resort to a Floating Fortresses, basically Coastal Pre-Dreadnoughts that goes Slow and Heavily Armored, of course the armor is to ensure that your Coastal Battleship will stay afloat as long as possible since a sunken metal boat while looks good for a fish tank (imagine it being a miniature ship) doesn't have much use in real life application

Usually these Coastal Defense Ships were a Miniaturized Pre-Dreadnought, or a Cruiser Sized Battleship, think of it like the 1936 Deutschland Class Panzerschiff, but shortened and with all the armor you deem sufficient, Speed is not Important, so does its Range, but of course this being Simpleplanes World, everybody gets the wrong sense of distance and range...

However you may also consider making Fleet Battleships just in case you do need to go out from your comfort zone, this will be faster and less armored than the Coastal Battleships but of course that's a common sense already, the range will be longer and the amount of guns might also increase


Usually Pre-Dreadnoughts will have only 2x Main Guns Turret, but, it doesn't always have to be that way, for example, my Oostmark Class and Baden Class Pre-Dreadnought Battleships have 3x Turrets, this may cause confusion among those that were used to seeing Pre-Dreadnoughts with 2x Turret

My Oostmark Class With Its Unique Triple Turret

@Kaiteniisan Malam Senja Class More Conventional Double Turret

The Main Gun Caliber on both of your Coastal and Fleet Battleships is also a consideration, in the early years, Pre-Dreadnought usually use 9-Inch up to 11-Inch in caliber, of course for that Volume Of Fire Advantage as Broadside is not yet a proven or invented Tactics, while this doesn't seem very impressive, considering on what era you are in, 11-Inch is pretty good, but of course the 11-Inch were used only on the later stage of Pre-Dreadnought era (1890-1905)


Now of course when talking about Pre-Dreadnoughts you can never forget the shape of it, either Eggy or Pill, since there is 3 or maybe 4 way of making ships hull in Simpleplanes we will go on each of them

[Simple Hull]
This is the kind of hull that my ships use, among the simplest and easiest way to make a hull, but in order to get the Thiccness of bulges found on a lot of Pre-Dreadnoughts you may need to make yourself a bulge either from vertical fuselage or panelling, which also mean...

[Panelled Hull]
This is the hull that you might use if you are one of the higher ranks players that have a lot of patience and understanding of the game, i still find this method hard to do, but if you are experienced enough it should have been an easy job

[Semi Panelled Hull]
Now this one is something that is a bit more intricate in terms of method, say maybe you are like me which is not too good at panelling but atleast knows the basic of it, then you may use this method, its either you make the hull using Panelling method and then add the bulge, or you make the hull using Simple method and then add the Panelled Bulge, this is also seemingly how @Kaiteniisan done his Pre-Dreadnought

[Vertical Fuselage Hull]
This hull type is the least common one, atleast to my knowledge, what you have to do is basically take a piece of resizable fuselage, make the width of it to 4 units wide and 10 units long on both side and then shape it like a hull, this is a method that you use if you really want to cut the amount of parts needed for your creation, since its shape can be eggy its also a perfect way to make Eggships

Now do keep in mind that Pre-Dreadnought is basically half an egg shell and elongated, so make sure that Lenght To Beam ratio is correct, you want ships that is fat and short for a Pre-Dreadnought, maybe Low Freeboard as optional too

Width To Lenght Ratio From Different Classes Of Ships
(Sorry for bad quality)

You want Thicc Boi with Thicc Bulges


Ah yes, the most boring part of Ship Making, figuring out the placement of the guns to achieve the best possible arrangement while still looking good, of course if you are really tight on space you can always resort to Pagoda Mast, aka Long Tall Mast, if its not Cage/Lattice Mast, its Pagoda, that's the 2 choice of tight space problem

The Main are usually placed on the centerline, except ypu are the germans and decide "what if we put this turret here and there", of course im referring to the Nassau's and Kaiser's Classes, both of them have some pretty interesting Turret Arrangement if you notice, but of course they were Dreadnougts so we are deviating here but whatever...

Kaiser Class Main Guns Turret Arrangement

Nassau Class Main Guns Turret Arrangement

What comes after Main Guns? Secondary, and if you do know Pre-Dreadnoughts, you know that it will have many, many Secondary, both in casemates and open mount, it is actually amazing how despite the Superstructure being cluttered with Secondary these ships still looks beautiful such as the IJN Mikasa or the Avrora

While optional, Torpedo Tubes might also be fitted in the ships, of course it was Underwater Torpedo Tube, and if you know a thing or two about torpedoes in 1900's, they were Slow AF, sometimes your Destroyer can be faster than the Torpedo itself making the torpedo an even more dangerous weapon

Armor is also an optional if you like to put External Spaced Armor like my Re Leone Class Battleship, this can serve as a shield and literal armir to shells, of course the shells also have to be adjusted to damage the piece of fuselage that you're firing at but not enough to destroy the whole ship, SP Physics at its finest, 1 part destroyed the whole plane destroyed

Of course being a Pre-Dreadnought your Battleship will go at most 17 Knots with Triple Expansion Engine, if you are the Russian, well..., That's even worse, you will be going 15 Knots at most because of the Armor, except you want to be a little trigger happy at tapping that numbers button, you may type 20 Knots which is just 1 Knot slower than the HMS Dreadnought, overengineering may be helpfull sometimes


• Selecting the type of Navy that you want
• Choose the type of Ships that you want
• Selecting its Weaponry
• Hull Building Method
• Arranging all of the Stuff from above along wih the Essential Touches


Again, this is not the most accurate way to make a ship, but atleast you get the idea on how to design one correctly, or atleast "Correctly" the way i know it

This is it for today, im gonna continue on my H-0 Class and then continue on the Order Ships, good-bye

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    @NexusGaming if you are using the simple method, all you have to do is mirror the hull and slap it on the bottom of your hull, however the underwater part may have to be around 3.5 to 4.5 in height and either Hard-Circular-Circular-Hard or Hard-Curved-Curved-Hard in shape, the Curved bottom one is the one you would use if you want to maximize space or rooms for storage

    Pinned 4.2 years ago
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    Simple Hull is the easiest method, you need a Resizable fuselage with maximum lenght and width, depending on what type of ship you're making the height should be 2 to 3.5 units, and then you can add more section, after you feel that the lenght is appropriate you can start tapering the front and rear of it, Kriegsmarine Ships usually have Double Waterdrop shape (Waterdrop pointy end forward and back), Royal Navy and US Navy is Waterdrop (Waterdrop pointy end forward), while Japanese is long and flat on its side but tapering on both forward and rear

    Vertical Fuselage Hull* is the one where you will get the least amount of parts, this is good for making Pre-Dreadnoughts, start by taking a Resizable Fuselage, rotate it one time so that it was vertical (front side facing down, back side facing up) and then make the height 10 units, and the width around 3 to 4.5 Units wide, and then you can shape the fuselage into a hull as you wish, @Kaiteniisan Kakaktua Class Battleship use this method

    Pinned 4.2 years ago
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    did the photo's shows up for you guys?

    @Kaiteniisan do you like it, or do you want some things to be changed?

    Pinned 4.2 years ago
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    83.7k Monarchii

    @TWDDerSharkmarine yehh, fnyooom

    1.2 years ago
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    @Monarchii fnyooom?? :3

    1.2 years ago
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    83.7k Monarchii


    1.2 years ago
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    @Kaiteniisan i may be able to "Materialize" that idea into a plausible plans

    4.2 years ago
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    @Kaiteniisan mm, interesting

    4.2 years ago
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    @Kaiteniisan yes

    And dear god you're giving me PTSD again because of that Super Dreadnought...

    4.2 years ago
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    @Kaiteniisan nah

    4.2 years ago
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    23.1k KudaOni

    I have learned the type of ships their parts and how they are used and placed... but not how to build them...
    sad mech builder noices

    4.2 years ago
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    18.8k NexusGaming

    @WarshipDude how do you do the bottom part of the hull
    i am planning on rebuilding that ship that i made which is unstable as hell

    4.2 years ago
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    669 Jerba

    Also, can you explain the vertical fuselage method a bit more, I don’t really get it

    4.2 years ago
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    669 Jerba

    How do you do the simple hull, you never really explained it

    4.2 years ago
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    7,513 SuperRoto

    The photos show up for me
    Pretty cool guide for ships.

    4.2 years ago