Just go away lmao I don't care it doesn't need to be pinned literally anywhere and everywhere
How about we make it a notification and not pin it for 3 years
I am legally required to say that I have nothing against the mods
But come on man can you just notify us instead of pinning it
It gets kinda annoying imo
There just trying to let everybody know about the sale.
@JakeJakeTheSnake or if we get the points from it
i was going to make one of these but i decided that i could get banned
@thebanbehindtheslaughter I'll post a petiti's home and garden center
@JakeJakeTheSnake lmao dude sieg heil and hitler kaput is the only german i know
@JakeJakeTheSnake just kidding i'm just busting your balls
of course i wanna vote. where is the petition?
@thebanbehindtheslaughter hitler liebt nicht.
@thebanbehindtheslaughter kannst du sprechen deutsch?
@JakeJakeTheSnake kaput hitler kaput
@JakeJakeTheSnake um
sieg heil hitler kaput kaput hitler sieg heil kaput
@thebanbehindtheslaughter ich have eine petitipn fur dich zu signieren
@JakeJakeTheSnake ja ja der petition und hitler kaput
@KnightOfRen @thebanbehindtheslaughter @Homemade1 @WarshipDude Petition ja?
At least I'm not the only one
I thought people would be against me in this one
Ikr its so damm anoying, why they pin a forum that almost nobody cares everywhere
Exactly, it was quite infuriating seeing that appearing everywhere
it's like that chick at your school who asks you questions every second