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Winners for my Doomsday Tank Challenge!

3,104 lilsniper334  4.3 years ago

So, Today’s the day! I have looked at, tested, and compared your builds! And now you get your final scores and rewards! As a thank you for joining, I will be giving 3 upvotes to 11th-4th places! I will be going from lowest to highest score, thank you for playing and I hope you had fun!

In 11th place is TheGoldenJetMaker’s Devil Spike
With a score of 18! I really liked it, but it seems a bit too...normal. Like something just anyone can build, I’m looking for uniqueness. Anyways, good job!

In 10th place is AirCorp’s Armored Car
Just beating 11th with 19, it lacks the “tank”. It’s still really good!

In 9th place is Barreje1’s Goliath Tank
With a score of 21, I really like it! It seems like a tank that could really happen. But, the description was extremely vague. Other than that, great work!

In 8th place is Jorgebr’s flavin do pneu
This has a good score of 23, I scored this at 8th because I really like the colors, they give a wasteland, dusty ness look, and with a decent description, it ranks 8th!

In 7th place is _PolarSpirit’s Drill Tank of Excessive-Ness
A score of 25! Not bad! The tracks are very impressive and the versatility! There’s so much stuff all over it! Very good!

In 6th place is demoman9’s Wasteland Defender
Giving it a score of 28! I really liked the impressive weapons and size! I’ve never been able to build something so big and impressive! Although a small problem is it’s reversing capabilities. Other than that, great work!

We are finally at the top 5, now, these were very hard for me, as they all were very good, detailed, and performed masterfully. These scores may not seem fair to everyone, so be warned.

In 5th place is mrshmney15’s Fragfoot
With a final score of 29! I really liked the boat conversion! Along with the green, it gives a tower of destruction vibe. Great work!

In 4th place is 5Ewok’s Ravager Tank
This one just beat 5th with 30! I was quite fond of this one, with its bright red colors, great speed and maneuvering, and decent guns, it’s a great build!

Now, we are at the top 3, these are the best out of all.

The holder of 3rd place goes to, 50CalChicken’s Raptor!
With 32 points, I love it! It looks absolutely great! The tracks, the body, the turret, everything! Excellent job!

The runner up goes to, AWESOMENESS360’s Landkreuzer SHMT-1000!
With a score of 33, this tank is absolutely insane! I love the design, the shear size, the weapons, everything! Just one problem, the lack of Doomsday, it gives off a more, futuristic look that would be suited for a futuristic challenge, still, excellent job!

And the winner of The Doomsday Tank Challenge is,lilsniper333’s Rusty Rigger!
I give a score of 35, the maximum, for a couple reasons. The first is the wasteland, mad max looks that are insanely good! Second, the interior, this was the only build to have a full interior design, and I’m very impressed! This build actually influenced many of my tanks that I’ve built! And the third is the description, this build has a very commercial like description, listing everything good about it, proper grammar, controls, and all requirements, a very impressive thing that nobody else really did. Another thing is it’s size, it’s small enough to fit through thing like the proving grounds, yet has a very spacious interior, which is quite impressive. Excellent work!

Overall, everyone did fantastic! You may not be happy with what you placed, but not to worry! I will be doing a holiday challenge with both air and land! (#ShamlessSelfPromotion), and everyone had positives and negatives with their builds! I am still very impressed by how everyone did! Thank you for joining my challenge and I hoped you enjoyed!

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    475 Barretje1

    9th place! I'll take it I do get the feedback! I'll built a new one and let's see about that (not for the Challange ofc)

    4.0 years ago
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    @lilsniper333 alright then.

    4.3 years ago
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    @AWESOMENESS360 bro I’m not lilsniper334, just a weird coincidence. But @lilsniper334 is correct, we aren’t the same person.

    4.3 years ago
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    3,104 lilsniper334

    @AWESOMENESS360 I am terribly sorry you are not happy with your placement, I have multiple reasons why lilsniper333 won, it’s mainly because he is the only one to have a full interior! If you arent happy with your results, maybe try my Christmas challenge!

    Also, further down in the comments I gave excellent points to why we aren’t the same person, you aren’t the first to be suspicious. If I were to be the same as lilsniper333, then why would I ruin MY challenge to just give myself upvotes? When I could easily just give myself upvotes without ruining a challenge. I really do hope lilsniper333 confirms...

    Now, regarding your description, your build is based off of the Ratte, a great idea! But it veers WAY off of the entire point of doomsday. First, the Ratte’s blueprints were drawn up in 1942...bit out of date for the year 2407. Second, lilsniper333’s is more of an advertisement, trying to get peoples attention! I really don’t want to read 2 pages of random facts about a giant tank developed by a hungover engineer on a Sunday afternoon. I want to know what’s on it, how to use it, and cool features that are on it! And I do agree, it’s very good and unique! But it seems more of a book report rather than a description.

    To conclude, yes, you did a great job! And it’s an incredible build! But things that you mentioned like part count really doesn’t matter, it’s what you do with the parts that matter. Again, terribly sorry you are not happy with your placement, but I posted this over 10 days ago. So I can’t change anything anymore.

    4.3 years ago
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    Ok so uhh
    I’m only now just seeing this and I have several questions, and I don’t want to sound all whinny and complainy and all, but...
    1. 2nd placeman even said my entry was “multitudes better than his”
    2. Both you, and the challenge winner, have immensely similar usernames, which is extremely suspicious.
    3. You said he has a very detailed description, yet the description I gave my creation is like 10x longer and more detailed than their’s?
    4. Sure mine isn’t exactly as post apocalyptic in looks, but you have to at least admit that mine has so much more work put into it, at 1,300 parts, meanwhile the other creation, while it’s still very nice, it only has like a third of the parts that mine does.
    6. Bruh
    7. Like seriously, I’m actually kinda hurt that the other creation won, like I wasn’t expecting to win at all, but to be beaten by, well, that, that’s kinda hurtful, as if it voids all my hard work.
    8. Did you notice I skipped number five?

    4.3 years ago
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    1,964 _PolarSpirit

    yaaaaaaaaaaaay 7th place on my first challenge hell yes

    4.3 years ago
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    3,104 lilsniper334

    @lilsniper333 and I have reasons to why you won, they’re in the forum.

    4.3 years ago
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    3,104 lilsniper334

    @lilsniper333 yep! Congrats on the win!

    4.3 years ago
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    Awesomeness360s build was multitudes better than mine...

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    Wait I won? It wasn’t even that good...

    4.3 years ago
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    47.8k 50CalChicken

    @lilsniper334 ok

    4.3 years ago
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    4,226 SPMTB

    @lilsniper334 I made some art for your Christmas challenge, it’s based off of your challenge art.

    4.3 years ago
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    3,104 lilsniper334

    @50CalChicken it takes time to upvote since I am giving 3 upvotes each to 11th place to 4th place, I have finished with 11th-8th. Tomorrow I will probably start on the 1st-3rd upvotes.

    4.3 years ago
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    47.8k 50CalChicken

    @Embo you are getting them.
    you deserve the upvotes

    4.3 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    Thanks, I guess @50CalChicken

    4.3 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    Althoooouuughhh, they would be nice @50CalChicken

    4.3 years ago
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    47.8k 50CalChicken

    @Embo well, you are getting them

    4.3 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    I don’t need more upvotes @50CalChicken

    4.3 years ago
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    47.8k 50CalChicken

    @Embo so you can get more upvotes

    4.3 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    Your tank got ranked 3rd, not mine @50CalChicken

    4.3 years ago
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    47.8k 50CalChicken

    @lilsniper334 yes

    4.3 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    Why do you want me to have third @50CalChicken

    4.3 years ago
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    47.8k 50CalChicken

    @Embo yes, to give @5ewok third

    4.3 years ago
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    3,104 lilsniper334

    @SPMTB alrighty, we can talk about it through email right now?

    4.3 years ago
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    4,226 SPMTB

    @lilsniper334 sure! When do you want to go over it? I’ve never seen a holiday challenge before, and it sounds fun! I could probably get you some people to join your challenge with my channel? It’s not impressive but it could help?

    4.3 years ago
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