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Ballistic Targeting w/ FunkyTrees (help?)

2 YucksYeager  4.2 years ago

Synopsis: I am trying to program a cannon auto-turret that can hit targets (land) no matter the range.
Situation: All shells miss either short or long. e.g., I can sail right over the deck of the U.S.S. Beast, but I can not trigger a detonation of the shell (proximity like).
Notes: I am proficient in .xml, but the documentation for FunkyTrees is slight to non-existent. I know the formulae, but what the hell are the variables I can actually read in a meaningful way?
T.L.D.R.: Anyone have an example of a cannon auto-turret that can hit targets (land) no matter the range?

Thanks, guys!

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    I'm going to upload a version of my Kiev-class' AK-726 guns with auto-aim. As of right now I can hit anything from 0 miles to 10 miles. I also worked with nagisa to overcome the parallax problem with the turrets being very far from the cockpit, but that shouldn't be necessary. I can hit the beast at any angle, even while turning and in very stormy conditions with Gestour's wave mod.

    4.2 years ago