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How to put inputs together? [Solved]

3,104 lilsniper334  4.3 years ago

So, I am making a jet that has a cockpit where everything has a use, no aesthetic. And I wanted to make a stall light, where the light would blink if like v<10, and Altitude<500. I have figured out that you can use v and Altitude, but how do you put them together? Please give format!

I am on iOS if that helps

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    16.5k edensk

    @lilsniper334 you're welcome!

    4.3 years ago
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    3,104 lilsniper334

    @edensk thank you, I tested it and it works perfect!

    4.3 years ago
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    16.5k edensk

    Not really an answer to your question but you should use angle of attack, not airspeed, because a plane can stall at any speed and at any attitude.
    The symmetrical airfoil stalls at around 14-15 degrees, semi-symmetrical at 16-17 and flat-bottom at 30 degrees or something like that.

    IAS > 5 ? clamp01(-AngleOfAttack > 16) : 0

    this would work perfectly, just change the number for the correct one, if it turns on too early increase it by a little bit

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    3,104 lilsniper334

    @UltraLight thank you!

    4.3 years ago
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    38.8k UltraLight

    Just go into the input of the light, and type in "clamp01(IAS<10) + clamp01(AltitudeAgl<500)"
    Units are in M/S fir speed, meters for altitude, and degrees for attitude

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    Not sure if that’s possible, I’m not quite the best with XML either so I’m not a good source.

    4.3 years ago