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challenge results #3

56.6k Astro12  4.3 years ago

I apologize for doing this for a long time. There were really a lot of applications.

Points were awarded based on the results of these tests. My feelings from the flight were the basis of the assessments.

Thanks to everyone who took part, and don't be discouraged if you didn't take a prize. my opinion is subjective and it may not coincide with yours.

The rewards may be a little delayed, but remember that the consolation prize was given out upon enrollment (therefore winning 10 UPVOTE = 1 from the beginning, + 9 UPVOTE later)

next are the planes in ascending order of points. If two planes have the same number of points, then they are placed as I like.




Appearance: 8/30 points. (Bad)
Weapon power: 8/20 points. (Rather weak for this size)
Flight characteristics: 0/15 points. (Like stone)
Vitality: 0/25 points. (You cannot shoot down an aircraft that does not take off)
Cool features: 3/15 points. (Approx. There is an interior)
Description: 0/15 points. (7 characters)
I'm sorry ...



Appearance: 5/30 points. (Oh god ...)
Weapon power: 10/20 points. (Ok, not bad)
Flight characteristics: 5/15 points. (Did you work with stability?)
Vitality: 2/25 points. (Not at all)
Cool features: 0/15 points. (No)
Description: 2/15 points. (Could have been more)
We must try better ...

small bertha


Appearance: 8/30 points. (It's too blocky)
Weapon power: 10/20 points. (Very inconvenient to use)
Flight characteristics: 5/15 points. (Are these gyros?)
Vitality: 10/25 points. (Helpless against a normal opponent)
Cool features: 0/15 points. (No)
Description: 3/15 points. (Empty and no explanation)
I'm sure it will be better later.

Ju 87


Appearance: 10/30 points. (Not very similar, but a little)
Weapon power: 10/20 points. (Weak)
Flight characteristics: 5/15 points. (Flies terribly)
Vitality: 10/25 points. (Bang and you're out)
Cool features: 0/15 points. (No)
Description: 1/15 points. (5 words)
Not similar and weak.



Appearance: 12/30 points. (Not similar, but not bad)
Weapon power: 5/20 points. (Rather weak)
Flight characteristics: 12/15 points. (Stagger the fighters!)
Vitality: 10/25 points. (Lightweight Barn)
Cool features: 0/15 points. (No)
Description: 1/15 points. (Scanty and little)
Replicas should be built according to blueprints.

Arado Ar-234


Appearance: 10/30 points. (Can be better)
Weapon power: 20/20 points. (Serious statement)
Flight characteristics: 3/15 points. (We don't know your maneuverability)
Vitality: 4/25 points. (Flying bomb)
Cool features: 0/15 points. (No)
Description: 4/15 points. (Not enough)
Well ... This. You can do better.

tu 160


Appearance: 12/30 points. (Well, not really)
Weapon power: 10/20 points. (Rather weak)
Flight characteristics: 5/15 points. (Flies very badly)
Vitality: 5/25 points. (Easier to break than fight) 9
Cool features: 7/15 points. (Mezzanization of the wing and bomb bay)
Description: 2/15 points. (Could have been much better)
use the drawings.

presto carpet bombing edition


Appearance: 8/30 points. (Looks bad)
Weapon power: 20/20 points. (There are many bombs)
Flight characteristics: 7/15 points. (Flies poorly)
Vitality: 5/25 points. (Does not survive at all)
Cool features: 0/15 points. (No)
Description: 2/15 points. (Almost nothing)
Weak to be honest.

Bomber twin prop for the bomber challange


Appearance: 15/30 points. (Rustic)
Weapon power: 10/20 points. (Few bombs)
Flight characteristics: 5/15 points. (He doesn't fly well)
Vitality: 10/25 points. (No chance)
Cool features: 5/15 points. (Custom LG)
Description: 1/15 points. (Almost nothing)
Not bad, but you have to try.

XR-SnD 1.0


Appearance: 15/30 points. (Little detail with too large keel)
Weapon power: 15/20 points. (Has something to offer)
Flight characteristics: 3/15 points. (Very weak pitch)
Vitality: 8/25 points. (Countermeasures only save)
Cool features: 0/15 points. (No)
Description: 10/15 points. (Relatively detailed)
You have a common problem - awful maneuverability.



Appearance: 20/30 points. (Nice)
Weapon power: 20/20 points. (Who to ban?)
Flight characteristics: 7/15 points. (Shed)
Vitality: 5/25 points. (Generally defenseless)
Cool features: 4/15 points. (It seems to be)
Description: 3/15 points. (Not enough)
The best way to ban someone ...

KP.C-18 Super heavys corgo


Appearance: 21/30 points. (Well, yes)
Weapon power: 30/20 points. (Ban the cheater)
Flight characteristics: 7/15 points. (Slow uncle)
Vitality: 10/25 points. (Destroys everything (and itself))
Cool features: 4/15 points. (Catomized chassis)
Description: 3/15 points. (Rather weak)
What's this? Ban ...



Appearance: 20/30 points. (Very good, but there are flaws)
Weapon power: 8/20 points. (Well ... okay)
Flight characteristics: 10/15 points. (Flies well)
Vitality: 20/25 points. (This method of building a hull gives unexpected effects.)
Cool features: 3/15 points. (Bomb bay)
Description: 7/15 points. (Ok not bad)
A very good plane. Keep it up.

TAS Naval Fighter-Bomber (NFB-1 Gray Gull)


Appearance: 20/30 points. (Not bad)
Weapon power: 10/20 points. (One torpedo)
Flight characteristics: 10/15 points. (Flies well)
Vitality: 15/25 points. (Eat fighter)
Cool features: 5/15 points. (Smoke)
Description: 10/15 points. (Detailed, but not clear)
Good luck in your endeavors.



Appearance: 20/30 points. (Good detail)
Weapon power: 15/20 points. (Give babah)
Flight characteristics: 12/15 points. (Flies very well)
Vitality: 15/25 points. (Not bad, but it can be better)
Cool features: 10/15 points. (I like this movable weapon)
Description: 10/15 points. (Detailed enough)
You have every chance of becoming a cool builder.



Appearance: 20/30 points. (original)
Weapon power: 30/20 points. (No, well it's a ban)
Flight characteristics: 4/15 points. (Barely crawling)
Vitality: 10/25 points (almost no options)
Cool features: 0/15 points. (No)
Description: 10/15 points. (Add separation)



Appearance: 15/30 points. (+ Per engine)
Weapon power: 15/20 points. (Not bad)
Flight characteristics: 13/15 points. (That's why I love these planes)
Vitality: 15/25 points. (Can survive, but not for long)
Cool features: 0/15 points. (No)
Description: 7/15 points. (Need more details)
Looks cool. And simple.

audience award

Bomber Light


Appearance: 25/30 points. (Beauty)
Weapon power: 10/20 points. (Well, yes, a little)
Flight characteristics: 10/15 points. (Maneuvers well)
Vitality: 15/25 points. (Can fly after being damaged)
Cool features: 5/15 points. (Custom chassis, flaps)
Description: 7/15 points. (A little bit and dry)
+5 (very low part, but nice plane)
Nicely done and very few details.

Ya 2DB-I Type 1A


Appearance: 23/30 points. (Looks very good)
Weapon power: 15/20 points. (Serious statement for this size)
Flight characteristics: 12/15 points. (Not bad for a Bomber)
Vitality: 10/25 points. (Defenseless against aircraft)
Cool features: 10/15 points. (Custom CS)
Description: 8/15 points. (Detailed enough)
Not even bad for bronze.

B.A. 1 (bomber challenge).


Appearance: 25/30 points. (Looks serious)
Weapon power: 20/20 points. (A lot of TNT equivalent)
Flight characteristics: 7/15 points. (Hard to fly)
Vitality: 15/25 points. (Can survive, but will be difficult)
Cool features: 5/15 points. (Bomb bay)
Description: 7/15 points. (Can you get more details?)
Invisibility doesn't work.

THA-X4 The Expeller Mk.X*


Appearance: 15/30 points. (I like identification marks)
Weapon power: 15/20 points. (All at once)
Flight characteristics: 10/15 points. (Flies not bad, but difficult to control)
Vitality: 15/25 points. (Chances are)
Cool features: 10/15 points. (Auto-guided and bomb bay)
Description: 5/15 points. (Write in more detail)
Familiar turrets ...

Bomber Heavy


Appearance: 25/30 points. (Cool)
Weapon power: 15/20 points. (Bombs hard)
Flight characteristics: 5/15 points. (Long and slow)
Vitality: 15/25 points
Cool features: 10/15 points. (Landing gear and flaps)
Description: 10/15 points. (Detailed enough)
A very beautiful plane. Keep it up.

IAR 106 "Vampyr"


Appearance: 10/30 points. (Sad)
Weapon power: 30/20 points. (Cheats again?)
Flight characteristics: 10/15 points. (No, it flies badly)
Vitality: 20/25 points. (Difficult to knock down)
Cool features: 3/15 points. (Somewhere around)
Description: 8/15 points. (Ok there is a little)
Add details.

5-th place

JCCN Stealth Bomber


Appearance: 25/30 points. (Nicely done)
Weapon power: 20/20 points. (Who should you kill?)
Flight characteristics: 10/15 points. (Fast, very fast)
Vitality: 20/25 points. (Chances are)
Cool features: 10/15 points. (There is a turret)
Description: 7/15 points. (Do more)
Cool plane.

4-th place

b-17 WW2 american bomber


Appearance: 25/30 points. (Similar. Very similar)
Weapon power: 15/20 points. (Not enough bombs)
Flight characteristics: 10/15 points. (Flies well)
Vitality: 20/25 points. (WILL snap)
Cool features: 10/15 points. (Well developed)
Description: 3/15 points. (Did not tell about the whole control)
Very similar. Go on.

3-rd place

werdon ba-978 the big hurt


Appearance: 20/30 points. (Wide plane)
Weapon power: 20/20 points. (Worthy)
Flight characteristics: 6/15 points. (Flying sausage)
Vitality: 10/25 points. (Same reason)
Cool features: 15/15 points. (Not detailed, but everything is there (and one chassis does not work))
Description: 15/15 points. (Are you a writer?)
You have something to be proud of. But try anyway.

2-nd place

Ya 115 LRMB "RUSH B!"


Appearance: 25/30 points. (Beauty)
Weapon power: 20/20 points. (A lot of TNT)
Flight characteristics: 10/15 points. (Good enough)
Vitality: 15/25 points. (Will twist some fighters)
Cool features: 10/15 points. (Custom surfaces)
Description: 8/15 points. (good description)
You have great opportunities, keep it up.

I take off my hat to this man. he built really nicely. My compliments, gentlemen.

1-st place

"Mistel" FW-190 with V1


Appearance: 30/30 points. (Looks cool and detailed)
Weapon power: 15/20 points. (To be honest, a little small)
Flight characteristics: 10/15 points. (The bomb is difficult to control)
Vitality: 20/25 points. (As a fighter - lives well)
Cool features: 15/15 points. (Guided bomb and cart)
Description: 10/15 points. (A lot of dry text)

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    56.6k Astro12

    all tags - participiants of challenge

    Pinned 4.3 years ago
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    These are the most cursed appearance ratings ever

    1.4 years ago
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    56.6k Astro12

    @Stevengaming without space

    4.3 years ago
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    56.6k Astro12

    1. take a screenshot
    2. upload it to the discord server (I created a separate discord server for this)
    3. Copy the URL of the picture
    4. ![] (your link) - in the description in the place where you want.

    4.3 years ago
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    56.6k Astro12

    я работаю над этим

    4.3 years ago
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    @Astro12 what next theme?

    4.3 years ago
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    56.6k Astro12

    maybe on 15th dec . but i'm not sure

    4.3 years ago
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    23.5k mikomiko

    @Astro12 when will be the next challenge be?

    4.3 years ago
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    517 RAD

    it doesn't matter what is important I enter the challenge

    4.3 years ago
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    @Astro12 wow well it was worth it

    4.3 years ago
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    2,091 BadmanSalam

    Wow thanks, apologies for the description I just stick to facts.

    4.3 years ago
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    2,516 Isosceles51

    Yeah I know I can do better, but my at-234 is deadly and fast.

    4.3 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    @Astro12 really?! It worked for me. I had that side retract slower but it still retracted

    4.3 years ago
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    10.5k Kassap

    hmmm. im not sad im happy :3

    4.3 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    eventually, the heavy bomber should reach 360 kph (maybe 400 I don't remember)
    without bombs or external weapons

    4.3 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    @Astro12 look at the engines on the bomber lol

    4.3 years ago
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    56.6k Astro12

    the light one flies the way it should. But the heavy one is too slow for this shape. This is permissible for TB 3 (it has an open cockpit). For your plane, the normal speed is about 410 km / h.

    4.3 years ago
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    56.6k Astro12

    best description

    4.3 years ago
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    56.6k Astro12

    during tests, the right chassis was not retracted, but everything was ok with the left

    4.3 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    I can definitely see where you put a kinda low flight characteristic score on my aircraft, because they both fly like semi realistic aircraft and actually fly very heavy. but that's alright.

    4.3 years ago
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    33.5k tsampoy

    I like the little notes after each rating lol

    4.3 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    Heck yea 3rd!! I'm ok with that, and yes I'm a writer, I just haven't released any books yet ( I have two in the making). And what do you mean by 1 chassis doesn't work?

    4.3 years ago
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    4.3 years ago
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    6,420 NavalGunnery

    Please more jet challenges i need more planes with gae manueverablity

    4.3 years ago
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    @Astro12 thank you for this challenge! And congrats! @BadmanSalam

    4.3 years ago
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