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3,508 SheriffHackdogMCPE  4.3 years ago


AeroKrak or (GTCG Aerokrak) is a state owned airline owned by the Krakabloan Government. It is a member of a government organized association called the Government Transportation Companies Group managed by the Supreme Democracy Party and the Democratic Transportation Ministry. Founded in 2006 as an airline linking Wright Isles and Krakabloa a few years after victory, it has grown into 500,000 passengers flying the airline, 14 routes, 120 aircraft, and 2 hubs. It is the only largest airline in the country, the privately owned ones are just small island hoppers linking Yeager with Bandit. It has also its cargo subsidiary called AeroKrak Cargo, which only operates RJ-100-10P and J20-100. The Yeager-Bandit route is operated by AeroKrakXpress, a short range airline operating 30 RJ100-10Ps. Majority of the fleet are J/RJ aircraft families manufactured by CMAircraftManufacturing, due to the agreements between the government and the company for modern, comfortable, and efficient air travel. It also has the cheapest business class in the world, costing about KRK432 or US$57 and the airline ticket prices cost KRK60 or US$10.40. The earnings for the airline go to either improvement of the airline or government projects, military or civilian.



San Fernando, Erandian Federation
Jathiwa, Erandian Federation
Skypark, Republic of Stuntpark
Avalanche Airport, Snowstone Republic/Kingdom of Murowka


Wright Town-Yeager Airport-Wright Town
Yeager-Bandit-Yeager (AeroKrakXpress)
Wright-Maywarville (operated by DHC6 Twin Otter passenger seaplane)



30 J30-300
40 J30-400
34 J60
37 J50
23 J30-200
24 RJ10-100
69 RJ20-100
69 RJ10-100P
(AeroKrakXpress/AeroKrak Cargo)
17 Hakdog Aerospace H100 Aerolift (AeroKrak Cargo)
De Haviland DHC6 Twin Otter seaplane (for Wright-Maywar route)
33 JX20 (for Snowstone-Erandia route with stopover in Wright Town)


JX20 (34 orders, still in research for Snowstone-Wright-Jathiwa-San Fernando route)
Hakdog Aerospace X100 SST (10 orders, reasearch stage using prototype for 5 minute proposed direct flight from Wright Airport to Avalanche costing KRK239/US$40 in ticket prices)
Hakdog Aerospace H100 Aerolift (for AeroKrak Cargo)(17 orders, nearing/ready for delivery)

Minimum ticket price

KRK60/US$10 (prices vary on distance or route)

Special offers:

Democracy Rewards- offered to normal civilians, government officials, politicians, troops, emergency persons that has been granted the Honor of Hakdog, a government award for persons that did difficult safety procedures, did impossible medical tasks successfully, or identifying and finding most notorious criminals, such as foreign enemy spies and drug dealers. It can provide free meals, lowest ticket costs of 23 cents, free of charge for luggage/baggage weight, and also cockpit visits.
Democracy Pass- given to high ranking military officials, politicians, mayors, governors, senators, and even members of the Supreme Democracy Party or the Parliament for free, during their term or tenure. The Democracy Pass has access to free meals, cockpit access, and can get you sit in any seat you want.
Vlogger/Social Media Pass- available for individuals that has an account on social media about travel vlogs. To get the Vlogger pass, you need to submit the form with your email address and name of your account and a price of KRK1,000. It has free access to the cockpit, free meals, free seats and a Platinum Lounge access.
Platinum Pass- Free promotion for Business- Executive Business Class. Free boarding without tickets, free food, access to Platinum Lounge, free luxury shuttle service. Costs KRK100,000.

IATA code



