4 more to the dark side! (MIG-15 coming tomorrow!)
Basically I've hit 21k. I've gone farther than most users ever have. I'm more than 80% done with a new MIG-15. Thank you all for getting me so far, and maybe, just maybe, I might hit the darkside before Christmas. Thank you all for your help. Special thanks to the people who always help me on my planes. AlmostMobileFriendly is always there, willing to give a helping hand in logos. chickenisderp has been my creator of cockpits for ages. They deserve 10k. thebanbehindtheslaughter (ip banned), has always helped me with my weapons. Thanks guys!
@Learpot well, I need to keep that info. Thanks
Ye what I Am trying to say is that whenever you need help with a weapon I could try to make the requested weapon
You could probrably just ask me. I am pretty into weapon xml modding and turret designs
@Learpot interesting. I dunno, sounds ok to me, but rn i'm fine with the MIG-15
I would always like to replace thebanbehindtheslaughter. I myself can make some quirky weapons.
@Learpot yeah it feels weird. 1 month ago I was thanking everybody for gold at 5k, 3 weeks ago thanking for 10k, 5 days ago thanking for 20k.
When I first came across you you were at 7k, and that almost felt like yesterday
@KnightOfRen oof
wheres the pic
@WiiRemote hey alt