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Project Wingman, what do I think about it?

40.9k ALRX  4.2 years ago


I think project wingman is a very fun game, you should download it. I will try not to spoil as much, but yeah, maybe some. ;)

Main Body

So I just have finished playing project wingman today and I think it was great, there was quite a variety of aircraft, my favorite ones were the F-4 Phantom, F-16, F-15, and the F-15 prototype. The game was a lot of fun, playing in hard difficulty is actually that hard. The story was great and there was a plot twist. There was the CFA-44 in the game which is called the PW MK1.

Although there was a variety of aircraft I think that it's kinda disappointing that they didn't make the A-10, X-02 wyvren, SU-30, F-18 (there is one the game, but PLS make a better one), make a better F-14, and more SCI-FI aircraft

The weapons were great I liked how it is balanced. the STDM was balanced, the MLAA was decent, but you can get multi-lock. MLAG was very good. Heavy machine gun pod and medium machine gun pod rely on your skills very much but is worth using in missions. HISM was like a mix of STDM and the MLAA, no multi-lock, but can kill in 1 shot.

Some weapons I have tried yet, but I will update this post, later when I play conquest mode.

the main character, which is you basically, named monarch doesn't speak at all in the game, kind of disappointing, I wanna hear him talk.

Prez, your WSO, is basically there for moral and waifu support, she reminds you of the missile, some funny voice lines, but I didn't hear all the dialogue, since there was not much 2 seater aircraft. When galaxy said, " yeah I've seen her fly" she responded with "eat my as* galaxy" which is kinda funny.

Diplomat, the rage when fighting one of the bosses, saying "do you think we want to specifically fight you?" most of his mission he kept his cool.

Comic, can't really remember what she said tho.

Galaxy, your AWACS provides intel and some chatter about your past and current situation.

There was some mental illness in the final boss (4 from 6 of my total deaths (throughout the game) were in the game that mission). It was kinda like if Captain Torrez is an ace pilot and he now flies a jet.

Other enemies during the mission were kinda funny and neutral.

There were quite a lot of missions, and most of it was air to ground battles with some air to ground, some were only air to air battles. Mission was quite long, but in my opinion, it was a good length of time, since you don't get to do much mission (played on Thursday finished on Sunday)

After finishing all of the missions, you cannot go back to an old mission and use a more advanced fighter anymore. So basically after finishing the game that's pretty much it.

There was an aim to fly, which is basically war thunder controls. it was kind of weird, but I think it makes your aircraft more maneuverable (not sure tho, just the feeling)

when using H for flares its fine, but when using AOA limiter, using the H ket hard you cannot really reach it, especially when you are controlling the plane with WASD+QE, shift, ctrl, space, R, and C. So I recommend using alt and adding into the controls, its a lot easier.

Closing and conclusion

what do I think of this game, it was fun, great, nerving, awesome, badass, crazy, challenging, funny, and very good. The missions were kind of long, but the number of the mission was not very much. I recommend you to play this game, it's like cheap ace combat. Overall very good I think it's one of the most enjoyable campaign games I have played in a very long time since GTA 5, which was back in 2014, and watchdogs 2 in 2017.

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  • Profile image
    12.3k Mahoots

    dunno if this was around when you posted this, but there's now a Free Mission feature that allows you to replay campaign missions you've already played with any plane you've unlocked

    6 months ago
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    Some aircraft such as A10, Rafale, Su-30, Two seater F-18, F-22, Su-57, etc. once was planned to be added in the game, but it was cut during the game develoment. These plane wishes could be added into the next future update if Sector D2 want to update their game.

    3.0 years ago
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    40.9k ALRX

    @LAOZHANG I send you email man

    4.2 years ago
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    @ALRX what‘s your email

    4.2 years ago
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    40.9k ALRX

    @LAOZHANG no, sorry man

    4.2 years ago
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    @ALRX OK,emmm,do you use Wechat ?

    4.2 years ago
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    40.9k ALRX

    @LAOZHANG I can speak Chinese since I was taught to speak English, Bahasa, and Chinese (not so good) in school. Yea but sure why not, but I don't often open emails.

    4.2 years ago
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    My email address is We can often chat in the future

    4.2 years ago
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    you can speck Chinese?

    4.2 years ago
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    40.9k ALRX

    @LAOZHANG I am 14 years old, I am from Indonesia Jakarta. Thank you 谢谢你啊!

    4.2 years ago
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    I'm 12 years old and I really like your work. I'm from Changchun city, Jilin Province, People's Republic of China. I really like this game simple Planes

    4.2 years ago
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    40.9k ALRX

    @Homemade1 not sure what that is, but crimson 1 is kinda insane? but sure

    4.2 years ago
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    68.7k Homemade1

    Tbh i like this game cuz the Crimson 1 use GN Drive from Gundam 00 on Last battle, i think ALAWS GN Drive, cuz its red and not light green

    4.2 years ago
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    40.9k ALRX

    @CrimsonOnigiri no, its on PC

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    23.1k KudaOni

    Is the game on Android?

    4.2 years ago