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Regarding posts in the Mods section

Dev WNP78  4.2 years ago

With recent posts I thought it would be good to clarify what shouldn't be here on the mods section. I'm not going to remove any previous posts from before this precedent was set but from now, could the following content be kept in the right place:

Settings.xml (or other configuration file) edits (custom locations, including moving dyanmic objects, changing settings, etc) - Forums

Custom Subassemblies (including subassembly packs, and subassemblies that have been XML modded to appear in other categories, and with different icons) - Airplanes - the format I'd recommend for these is to post an aircraft with all the subassemblies present to display them to the user, and then if you have custom XML subassemblies you can link them in the description as well.

Custom scripts that run outside of the game - (for example scripts that generate XML code for aircraft Example, Example B) - Forums - these tools can be very useful, but are external tools to the game and not mods.

In general, if it doesn't take the form of a .spmod or .spmod-android file, then it's probably not supposed to be on the mods section. This is what the .spmod-info file generated by the modtools is for, to stop people from creating mod posts for things that aren't mods, so if you're having to bypass this system then it's quite obvious you might not be in the right place.

In addition, with the contributors system, please only add people who actually contributed to the mod, and once - it's not free points.

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    939 Alucard

    We need new car engine sounds! It's been the same motor for years the airplanes have multiple engines now we need car and boat motors

    2.1 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @WolfSpark well the point of this post was to say they shouldn't be in the mods section, so yeah

    4.2 years ago
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    10.2k Sparky6004

    @WNP78 ok, so basically addons.
    It’s just confusing because they’re in the mod section. I know this is addressing that.

    4.2 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @WolfSpark there aren't mods for iOS - at least, as far as Apple is concerned these are not mods. They're just settings.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    8,069 Ryn176

    @WolfSpark wait there's iOS mods now? Sorry if I sound outdated, I haven't been here for quite a while.
    edit: forget what I said, I immediately found one

    4.2 years ago
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    10.2k Sparky6004

    Y’all need to fix your terms of service for modding, and remove mods for iOS.
    It’s a breach of Apple’s terms of service and it’s a risk of removal. No one wants that.

    4.2 years ago
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    23.9k FeatherWing

    Fair point..

    4.2 years ago
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    Huh weird I didn't see that @WNP78

    4.2 years ago
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    @FeatherWing That's not necessarily true. A lot of people don't think KnightOfRen's builds are good enough to be a platinum user. I don't personally care but it's been kind of controversial

    4.2 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @AsteroidAsteroidTheBook the post says what files go where

    4.2 years ago
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    23.9k FeatherWing

    My idea on that is to give attention to the good builds made by non-platinum users, as Platinum users have 'experience', so they can always make good builds that get nice amounts of attention.
    Does that make sense?

    4.2 years ago
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    Also wait you only feature non-platinums? I feel like that's unfair

    4.2 years ago
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    @WNP78 So would people just have to put the XML files in forums?

    4.2 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @rexzion that can be dealt with by the mod creator. Put a note in the description. If that doesn't stop people then you can delete comments and you can block people.

    4.2 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @WagonTime we're really busy with SR2 development right now. We do not have time to add an entire section of the site just for a few XML files. As for what gets overwritten, just give it a try. Obviously settings, aircraft, and sub-assemblies won't be deleted...

    4.2 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @Yoloman2020 the underwater cam and refuelling mods will not work on 1.9 and above.

    4.2 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    @rexzion No, not in the least.

    4.2 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    are IOS mods even mods lmao

    4.2 years ago
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    4,810 GhostOfKyiv

    @WNP78 that’s why I think there should be a special website section. Maybe not a case-by-case basis, but maybe a special website section. besides, things like moving ships are hard. It takes trial and error. Lots of it. And no matter how many ideas you have, only 1 or 2 will work. also btw I’m working on an update for superfleet, making it into more of an all-in-one package bundle, so all users can experience countless great features (still works as superfleet, just with more features, like maybe pre xml-ed subassemblies maybe even updated part descriptions and paint modifications), so it would be useful to know what files get overwritten, partially overwritten, and left alone. That way iOS users can get the best experience possible, and, like you said, so I can help the community and let people have more fun. also btw I didn’t mean the iOS that are out right now are just “ok”, I mean that it takes a while to make an iOS mods that’s ok, much more effort to make one as good as superfleet or anti-aliasing (which looks cool but would toast my device).

    4.2 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    but some of those mods have scripts? and scripted mod support for android was discontinued in 1.9 @Yoloman2020

    4.2 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @WereOutOfNames if the only reason you're making something is for points, why bother? The real reason people post things is to share with and help other users, while having fun. This is a game. Have fun. Points are just a little number by your name. If getting points isn't fun, you don't need points. Once you pass 30 points you don't get any abilities from gaining points. (Though since we try to only feature non-platinums, you could actually lose out by gaining points. People in my experience also tend to be more impressed by a quality build from a user with less points than they expect. It's like how birthdays get more and more lame as you get older past a certain point. You'll understand.)

    At the end of the day, and this is addressing your comment too @WagonTime , if we did things on a case-by-case basis, it would cause a lot of pain with people wondering why one person's got allowed and they other didn't. We just need to draw a line somewhere clear, and this is where the line has been drawn. And note, it wasn't my decision in the end, I put a vote to the moderators and it was unanimous.

    And when you say many, many, many hours to make it "ok":
    Firstly this isn't true, the only two on the mods section so far simply changed the Antialiasing setting from "Off" to "MSAA x8", and in the other case changed the positions and rotations of the carriers to put them next to each other. I'm not detracting from the work put into these or being ungrateful to people's contributions to the community. I think they're more than "ok". But while you're complaining about this I suggest you take a look at other forums which people have put many, many, many hours into. Artwork, backstories, tutorials, ReShade settings... can take as much time if not more than changing Settings.xml. They deserve credit too. But they're not on the mods section. Tl;dr - work for fun, not for points.

    +4 4.2 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    then in v 1.8 @Yoloman2020

    4.2 years ago
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    4,810 GhostOfKyiv

    @WNP78 It takes many, many, many hours to make even an ok iOS mod/xml file reconfiguration that actually works and does something cool. If there was a special website section (other then forums) for posting these, that gave like 20 points per upvote or something, less then full-fledged mods, but more then planes, even if the “mods” had to be manually approved by a mod/dev (so people couldn’t spam), that way they’d be easy to locate, it wouldn’t clog up the mods menu, and would still be worth the effort. Also, you should add a website section for custom scripts that run outside of the game, so they wouldn’t clog up the forums, and would be easy to find/access.

    4.2 years ago
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    38.8k UltraLight

    @KnightOfRen because I say so

    Oh no WNP78 is becoming our parents lol

    4.2 years ago
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    Oh wait I understand now

    4.2 years ago
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