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New 007/James Bond inspired car coming soon

3,508 SheriffHackdogMCPE  4.2 years ago

Finally, I present to you my most holy grail, the 80s-90s Mitsubishi Lancer Turbo "Democratic Racer" This car is specially designed for the Supreme Minister against potential threats. It has a rocket booster, in case the intruder is too fast for the vehicle, has 4 machine guns on each side to keep intruders away from the vehicle, and a 400+ hp engine to drive fast away from intruders. It also comes with a floater at the bottom, in case the car falls into a river or any body of water. This serves as an backup car incase the original motorcade (the Nehtsodest Elita-1) is taken down by enemies. Yeah I came across this when I downloaded a Lancer turbo, then decided to make it a James Bond/007 design, with anti intruder gadgets. (Yeah my rp has a James Bond tweak) This car is part of my country rp

Enjoy and upvote!

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