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in need of some help on an XMl project

47 tntcan01  4.3 years ago

I am currently working on the making a cleaver that will work like a glide bomb you get it locked drop it and it glides to the target only problem is right now when ever i drop it and it gains speed falling it doesnt want to steer towards the target at all and drops like a rock and just is basically another dummy bomb to add to the arsenal. Can anyone help me with this in one of two ways either post a working thing of what im trying to do here and mention me or answer here with some tips/ help to make this project work?

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    thanks for the help

    4.3 years ago
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    5,177 Gluck

    Missiles can only maneuver while under their own thrust.
    Just a rule of SP, can't be changed. Sorry.
    The closest thing I can think of is this weird little technique I've explored. You can start a missile on a ballistic launch—by attaching a missile to a detacher, and then using Fine Tuner to rotate the detacher so it faces forward. You can mess with detacher force and missile weight to adjust launch speed.
    The second part of this process is the ignitionDelay attribute. Plug it into the XML table, and you can set how long it takes for the missile to ignite after launch.
    Integrating these two techniques yields a satisfying launch, and the technique is even applicable for flak cannons—a method that has since been invalidated by the recent 1.10 update.
    TL;DR, you can use forward facing detachers and missiles with ignitionDelay to create an initially ballistic launch, where after a set time the missile will ignite and then operate under its own power.
    Hope this helps :)

    4.3 years ago