And fellow comrades and slavs, I present to you, my super slav moment, the Russian culture challenge! Here you can build interesting Russian/Soviet stuff, from the Soviet Union and Russian flag, soviet/Russian aircraft (even ww2 ones) Russian military vehicles and trucks (even soviet ww2 tanks), Wide Putin, lenin monuments, vodka (and any Russian beverages) bottles, plate of blin (Russian for pancakes) stalin, ushanka (soviet and Russian) Russian cars (even gopnik owned) Adidas logo and three stripes, any slav yts like life of boris and dj blyatman, gopnik squatting, hammer and sickle, stalinium bar, and Russian words you know! if Lenin, stalin and putin isn't pleased with your builds, you have a free gulag ticket for your family with worth 10 years stay! (jk) the event starts on December 26 (yeah the fall of Soviet Union and it's the 30th anniversary) and ends on my birthday, January 11. If your builds for this event have quality slaviness, you deserve a gopnik quality pack, comes with 15 upblyats, Order of Lenin, three stripes, golden Adidas tracksuit, golden ushanka and a Boris Approved seal. Also some free 9999999999 soviet rubles (jk)
Submission from December 26-January 11
No off topic and western spy builds (it will yeet stalin and will send you to gulag)
Swear words allowed (but only few such posts are allowed since we need to maintain minimum cursing, check the rules btw and edit: we need to keep swearing clean btw)
Under 500-450 part counts (yeah im on a potato galaxy s5)
Non detailed or detailed builds allowed (but under 500-450 parts)
Must be a successor
And also, seize the means of production (jk)
type t if interested or if you want to join
upblyat and stay cheeki briki
(Disclaimer: Not misusing the word bl-at)
I dont have an alt account for rewarding
@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook im considering that
@SheriffHackdogMCPE if you're giving 15 upvotes, upvote 15 planes
@SheriffHackdogMCPE yes
(Idk how to reward btw)
@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook it says Russian vehicles and it is in that category
One Ural 4320 with a missing front wheel coming right up