Here you will find various useful links relating to this site and the game. This is to condense all of this into a single pinned post, rather than multiple pinned posts as there are now.
Markdown Formatting Tutorial
Dark Mode Script
SimpleCheats 2
Funky Trees Guide by SnoWFLakE0s
Elliptical Motion
Unofficial Ray-Tracing guide
Custom wing with control surfaces
Custom missile tutorial
Basic bomb bay tutorial
Screenshot guide
If there's anything I missed that you think I should include, please comment it with a link and I may add it.
Hello, can you add a SimplePlanes Map?
can you remove simplecheats 1 from this post? the link to it is dead and the document itself is severely outdated.
201st upvote!
@N4120D "Geben SIe nicht vor, deutscher zu sein, wenn Sie kein Hitler-fan sind" 💀💀
@soph25grab Geben Sie nicht vor, Deutscher zu sein, wenn Sie kein Hitler-Fan sind, und geben Sie nicht vor, hier Werbung zu machen, wenn Sie ein Bot sind!
Siyus, das ist kein guter Ort, um Werbung zu machen, Sie sollten sich einen anderen Ort suchen oder hier weggehen!
Geh zur Hölle, du Scheißer!!
@JiLinAir Im no FT wizard, but if i were you i wont remove anything from the FT that makes it work, so in short term, yes
@dekanii Does clamp01 have any use, it looks like it can be removed.
' ceil(smooth(clamp01(LandingGear), 1/2)) '
-For landing gear use
floor(smooth(clamp01(LandingGear), 1/2))
-For gear door well use
-You can set the delay by editing the "1/2" to a larger value.
@CDwagner for example when using the fine tuner, what command would I need to input the time values and where would that command be placed within the menu?
Hi, when making custom landing gear, how do you implement time delays into the rotators in order to open or close the doors before/after the landing gear have been stowed? I have tried looking at past forums in order to remedy this, but I wasn’t able to find a solution that would work in-game. Thanks!
get them to platinum it got pinned
Very important. Learned more things
Fantastic! Carry on!
Maybe tag a different mod, as this one is inactive now.
Dev console on mobile mention by user below me
XML modify
VTOL tutorial
Basic livery tutorial
Can you add How to enable the dev console
Hello, I downloaded the simpleplanes game in advance, then my computer gave automatic repair, we fixed it, my father deleted the game, I reinstalled it, but when I want to install the plane, two simpleplanes games appear, I press one, it does not open, I press the other, it does not open. There is another one in the recommended applications, I opened it and it doesn't work either, please help.
link to a helicopter guide?
Can someone tell me if that is hard to do
I reached speed infinity somehow
Как зделать автоматический атброс ложних теплових цілей