So, I’m busy building a huge ship, (half of it is approx. 100 ft wide, and 278 ft long). And I was wondering if any really good SP boat makers have any tricks that could help with making huge ships.
I am mainly having problems with my POV, as I can’t zoom out enough to get the full ship. Some tips would be helpful!
(P.S. Full length is 557 ft, if you are interested.)
Oh yes, and I’m on iOS, so mods aren’t an option.
Tips for making huge ships?
3,104 lilsniper334
4.2 years ago
@Cyan ah! Found it! Thank you!
There’s an option to scale everything, i forgot what but you have to tick off the “scale only selected parts” i think @lilsniper334
@Cyan @Noname918181 yeah, I thought of that, but just the base alone is made up of 200 parts, so that an extra 15 minutes of just selecting the parts for it.
Scale tool
You can scale it to be smaller using the FineTuner mod(included in base game) then when finished scale it bigger again