I'm gonna start making kinda german looking aircraft or weird planes for a while I just want to know what y'all think if it (I'd like to say I say "owo" Ironically please don't hurt me)
I'm gonna start making kinda german looking aircraft or weird planes for a while I just want to know what y'all think if it (I'd like to say I say "owo" Ironically please don't hurt me)
Why did I say owo
I have no idea
What is happening in this comment section
@OwO @OwO @OwO @OwO @OwO @OwO
0w0 @OwO
@xboxseriesx OwO
@NexusGaming yes the one in Nigeria
@OwO anyways you have a city named after you, cool
@NexusGaming OwO is an emoticon
most of the time used furrys because the w represents an animals mouth
what does that even mean