Well hi everyone, rathi3 here. And today we are going to learn how to make forums! So lets get started.
To make forums, see the forum on the menus? Check in there, if there is forum, click, tap or press it, and you will see the post they send in their users.
Now to make the post. Click create post, the yellow button, and click which type of post tags you want.
For example, i have picked educational, and make a post!
And i type my post and click submit, if you click cancel, you might need to try again, and if you see the blue button, the submit button, the post shows up. And everyone will see it in your account, if you tell them..
Thats it to make the forum! Make sure to upvote and dont forget this post if your in trouble finding it.
If you answer should i test?
Oh, wait, i will double check, what pc, mobile, ios or something that has apps did you have?
chats n stuff go on the subreddit, there are no forums