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Orbit camera following a target

155 MelucapLabs  4.2 years ago

Has anyone managed to make a camera follow a target while always being centred on your plane? - in brief an ‘orbit’ camera which follows a target.

I have been trying for a week now without success: I can never manage to have both my plane and the target on the screen while manoeuvring.

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    27.8k Strucker

    Oh, idk, Funky Trees confuses me way too much. There's most likely someone else who could tell you.

    4.2 years ago
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    😅 no: to have a camera which automatically centres itself around the target and your plane at the same time - using rotators and the new funky trees variables “TargetSelected”, “TargetHeading” and “TargetElevation”. @Strucker

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    27.8k Strucker

    Um, gizmos, orbit camera? Unless you mean something else.

    4.2 years ago