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My new supersonic fighter (and close up mugshots of ai aircraft)

3,508 SheriffHackdogMCPE  4.2 years ago

Here is my new military build, the Hakdog Aerospace ZQ-2226. Inspired from the cold war era Vought F8, it can fly up to 1093 mph, can fly from maywar to snowstone in 6 minutes, and can do stunts. But be careful, when you want to turn, the aircraft does a barrel roll, and you can't turn properly, especially at top speed of Mach 0.9-1.0. If you want to turn, pls pull back the right joystick and move it left or right to turn. It is recommended to go at least 280-400kn or 38% throttle while doing combat against aircraft so you can attack and destroy the opponent easily without doing unnecessary barrel rolls while turning in any directions to chase the aircraft.
So this is some screenshots while taking this on a bumpy brutal ride, there was a mig29 (f107) flying crazy, I managed to do a dogfight against it, but instead flew near me. I managed to take a close up pictures of it while on slow motion so i cant miss it.

Here is the finished product!

Type t if you want to be tagged when it is uploaded

Yeah this will be part of my rp, as an air asset of the Krakabloan Air Defence.

Enjoy and up vote!