Ahhhhhhhhhhhh boy ok well I'm going to say
ask me anythinggggggg
Oy I said it, just like every other ask me anything just ask me anything, just dont get to personal like where I live or anything, I can say I'm on the east coast of the us but really that's all I'll say. Ask me anything like my favorite planes, cars, bands, etc. I dont care.
Some topic ideas
My favorite planes
My favorite car manufacturer
What I want to do when I grow up (I mean I got like 3 years and I'm legally an adult, so its really not much time)
Go ahead. I may be a bit I'm getting some diner and the I have to do the dishes so dont expect an immediate answer, sorry.
@Simps intresting
Bruh @PapaKernels
@Simps intresting
Give me answers @PapaKernels
@Simps intresting
What are the chances of us meeting in real life
Ok @PapaKernels
@xboxseriesx look on imgbb, it says that its the URL, just copy that.
I forget url is whag
@xboxseriesx imgbb? If its that, click the about in the image thing, down below it should say image link, and image url, copy the image URL it has to be the url.
The link you gave me on a old post @PapaKernels
@xboxseriesx hmm, what do you use to post your images?
I tried photos in my bio it dont work what did id do wrrong
Ohhhh no https i tried pictures once but they didnt work thats why
@xboxseriesx no https, just the www.simpleplanes.com and anything after that.
Whats url mean
@xboxseriesx  and yes.
Do you still have your Christmas tree up) how do you put photos in description
It’s my Christmas money I want to spend
@xboxseriesx idk. Buy what you want. I dont know how to help ya.
Like what cause i got that much to spend on Amazon
@xboxseriesx I would buy stuff.
How would you spend 75 dollars
Nah just got in trouble for watching bad stuff