Sooo... I guess I'm here again... should probably actually release a plane every once in a while... regardless, I have been having issues with a controller.
I have managed to connect a DuelShock 4 controller to my Mac. I do not know if it should be able to DO anything, but whatever.
It works for steam, but when I launch this wonderful game and go to control settings, all buttons related to controllers are dark and cannot be clicked. It also says "Controller: None" where I'd assume it should say the name of the controller.
There is probably a simple solution (hopefully), but I know that I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Thank you
Stay fresh
@Majakalona WHEEZE
Bro predicted the submarine incident
@Sovetskysoyus What I mean is that the buttons for controllers are dark. I use my mouse, but I cannot do anything related to getting a controller to work. everything related to controllers is unclickable. everything. using a mouse.