As you can see, I'm currently making the engine bay on a generic 90s SUV that I'm making. The thing is... I'm far from savvy with what's under the hood on cars. Like, I know what the engine block is, the intake, the radiator, the battery, the alternator, and the electronics are, but there's several other things under the hood of vehicles that I have no idea what they are. Basically what I did here was just semi-replicate the engine on the Gavril Roamer on BeamNG, but there's several things in the engine that are clearly missing or are unexplained what they are, and now I'm not sure what else to put and stuff.
Like, I have no idea whatsoever what that circle thing is at the back... but it's in BeamNG so I put it here too lol
Could someone please help me here? This would be greatly appreciated!
I need someone who knows more about engines and car systems than me...
235k jamesPLANESii
4.2 years ago
@JARO Don't worry, this post is 3.5 years old. Since then I've bought a real 4x4 from this time period and already uploaded this project. It's the highest rated vehicle on my profile if you wanna check it out
I can halp but you need to send fotos of the car and then... I Can help you :)
ok i may know some stuff but not all
well sorry i can't help ya
Me, an intellectual who made a wankel engine for senior science fair: angry noises
I might be able to assist if someone hasn’t already offered
Motors are usually electric. But you can call gasoline a motor too. I’ve never seen someone call electric an engine but I guess you could. @Chancey21
What’s the difference between an engine and a motor
I can help you out.
😂no i don't@SyntheticL
You take wheel. You take engine. You connect engine to wheel. You try to make it work. You fail. You frustrate. You take an SS-24 Scalpel, three-stage, solid-fueled, silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile. You destroy everything you know.
The circle thing is i believe Power Steering, other than that, i think you got the engine pretty much allright, it is just a little empty, maybe an Engine Cover would be nice to put but that's just suggestions from me
i know the basic functions of an engine
ah whatever who cares about that anyways you'll still get like 100 upvotes or something
I recommend talking to Sm10684 he's very good with engines.