United States Air Force
Source: here
Converted to hex using https://encycolorpedia.com/
Camo Grey: d4d0c7
Dark Tan: a1836c
Medium green: 636750
Forest green: 595c4e
Black: 2c2926
Olive Drab, US Army but since it’s widely used on Hueys IRL figured I’d include it: 3C3421
entered FS (federal standard) code into encycolorpedia @AsteroidAsteroidTheBook
So, I went there myself and tried entering the US standard color codes. It returned the correct shade, but haven’t figured out how exactly to make it return the hex color codes...any suggestions?
Found it randomly while scrolling on google @ChiChiWerx
Why does it seem as if everyone here doesn't like me and my Vietcong brethren?
How'd you convert everything to a hex code?
Ooooh this will be good for my MiG-23
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