i request a few planes and only one can make one plane on the list
comment the number of the plane you will make
(example: comment the number 1 = make f-15c, that plane is not on list)
1.hansa Bradenburg G.I
2.Blériot XLII monoplane
photo URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=Bl%C3%A9riot+XLII.&newwindow=1&safe=active&rlz=1CAWPBAenUS829&sxsrf=ALeKk01vPwSzbJc5OgnjesCagCKJN-nw-A:1609082889084&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=RbetxriQAedQBM%252CGZ6jGR7QwrJn5M%252C&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTG7lBzEKLPO9I9UpZmDlEahG95CA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwji9JHwvO7tAhXI1VkKHZSdCOAQ9QF6BAgOEAE#imgrc=RbetxriQAedQBM
3.Curtiss T-32 Condor
Photo URL: https://modelingmadness.com/review/civil/cazcondora.jpg
4.cessna denali
That is the list, (i ran out of ideas)
@NotSoNormalPioneer are you here to make any suggestion here of an airplane, (1, 3, and 4, have never been made in simpleplanes)
@NotSoNormalPioneer idk
Your photo link
photo link for number 1 is here:https://static.turbosquid.com/Preview/001201/969/0L/3D-world-war-model_600.jpg