Well, I'm creating Tupolev Tu-22M3 and it has #E6FFF9 color of afterburner and #5288D0 color of basic burner. I'm using BLASTO BFE150 as engine and idk why but it turns dark green with light blue on top. Can sobeone explain that?
exhaustStartColorOverridePrimary and exhaustStartColorOverrideSecondary works realy strange, may somebody help me?
182 ComradeNekochan
4.1 years ago
@IssaIwan, check this
It isn't BFE150 but still green
I think it’s cause the BFE 150 has different color mapping than all the rest of the thrusters, due to the dual color scheme. But I could easily be wrong.
@ComradeNekochan sure my comrade
Anyway thank you for attention. If it doesn't bother you, can I ask you to make the engine with the above colors? Just when there is free time. I'll be very grateful.
@NexusGaming, If i hence "00" in the end it just becomes no color, if I hence "FF" in the end (overload doing it automaticly) it becomes like this https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vAfvl0V37-dIp77lSds1KqTH_oJj2x/view?usp=sharing
The HEX codes are actually RGBA, hence the 2 extra 0's at the end. That is what I think