Alright guys! happy new year! Yeah I have some cool shots, (including a video but I lost storage)
11:43pm (start)
Someone probably owned a flare gun, yeah bcuz the spark doesn't explode (look at that little red thingy below a larger spark)
Final hour of 2020!!!
Note: yeah this was taken at my house's terrace, and luckily, the street sign was far (it is 13ish meters from my house) if I was in front of that, it would take a lot of time and storage to censor it (to protect privacy) and being careful not to put my moms face or ill be hunted down by hackers posing as my friends in this website :-b
4.5 more hours
Still got 11hours.........
Happy new year mga kapuso
@AndrePlaysSP yeah
Yeah thats why I stay away from videos that talk about secret organizations online and "end of world" topics bcuz they associate natural disasters as end world signs bcuz for me it is scary to talk about it online and can cause anxiety and depression
@TheMegaMauster idk if 2021 will be also a doomed year until vaccine found (and the worst is the British covid 19/b117 which is covid 19 but on steroids, and there are some rumors that the vaccine was just a joke and just a depopulation plan by a random illuminati affiliated organization)
8:26pm here. Im in the doomed year.
I'm still uploadin them
@SuperRoto there are pics btw
Are there meant to be photos?