I decided to adopt a cat, and there was a cat, its young Young and cute it had a Texido not a literal one skin pattern it was black and white the cats name is baby girl she is six years old she was rescued from a fire original owner is now in jail because of that she’s a little bit scared and Im on my way home.
She is a docile, young, Cute, and a naive little female cat (hence the name)
Upvote if you love cats, or any other animal (you can upvote if you love dogs or if you dont have any favorites)
@WiiMini rookie numbers
@YourWife ok
@Remote but my other cat gone for no reason at all
i was 12 when i made my account, and am now 14-
cha cha real smooth
Very cool @nomalnormaltheman
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Hmmmmmmmm? Ok. @EternalDarkness
@CaptainRex123 indeed. simpleplanes.com is subject to US laws.
@CaptainRex123 yes
What is wrong with being 13? You mean the age? @EternalDarkness
@CaptainRex123 that was a misunderstanding. We didn't know he is now 13 so we kept banning him.
Why don’t u Ip ban him? From what I’ve heard he is a ban evader. @EternalDarkness
@AndrePlaysSP his account has been approved.
hey a few days ago my cat that was kidnapped by a stranger came home after 4 month
@AustralianBoi im going to evaporate you for saying that
Should’ve gotten a dog
Did you adopt it yourself or did your parents? Cats are not quite as high maintenance as some other pets, but they can still be quite a hand full. There is a reason that so many cats get dumped at the animal shelter.
I have two tuxedo cats, there about 8 now, cute little things.
Cool! :D