It wasn't the most detailed plane, I remember I found it when searching for fighter-bombers. I believe I searched the term "Fighter bomber" It had a grey color scheme, and an orange cockpit. It was a few updates ago (before helicopters), and had an internal bomb bay. It also had afterburners using the VTOL engine trick. When I downloaded it, its name was "TLZ Army T-bomber" iirc, yet that was not its name on the site. I've spent a few months looking for it, yet can't find it. Does anyone have this saved, and if so could you reupload it as an unlisted file so I can download it?
I used a plane I found here a ton a few years back; It was relatively popular but I don't remember the download info and I accidentally deleted the file. Can anyone help me find it?
2,170 The1Big1Finger1111
4.2 years ago
@tsampoy yeah it was hyperloop, plane was 4.9 years old
@NexusGaming Ohh ok, I thought it was spiritus raptor. Hyperloop is a name I haven't heard of in years
@tsampoy No it was Hyperloop
@Hyperloop yay you're back comrade
can you teach me your legendary building skills and ways? if so thx
TLZ Is spiritus raptor I'm pretty sure
I found it!
@Hyperloop thank you so much yeah it was yours it was so long ago and I'm glad I found it
Wait you are still alive?
lol, must be one of my builds...
I used to name them with random words
Yup it's definitely made by hyperloop
Check @Hyperloop