im trying to build this turret for a car and it keeps going to zero and my xml wont let me deactivate "zeroOnDeactivate" what do i do?
im trying to build this turret for a car and it keeps going to zero and my xml wont let me deactivate "zeroOnDeactivate" what do i do?
@TriStar ok i will try that
Set wheel mass to 7.5. Don’t worry, it’ll just add 1000 pounds or less@raceplaneVIBEZ
@TriStar can you help me with one more thing? im making custom landing gear for a plane and every time i try to land the front wheel blows up any ideas on how to fix that?
yep, input@raceplaneVIBEZ
@TriStar where do i put that on the imputcontroller? just imput?
@TriStar thank you, usually before i could just put zeroOnDeactivate = false and it would work, i guess it might be a funky tress update thing.
Ah okay, that’s easy, just sum(Roll) or sum(-Roll) @raceplaneVIBEZ
@TriStar yeah but im building a turret and i want the turret to stay in that position when i deactivate the imput, for example: i stop pressing A for roll left and the turret does not move back to zero.
i put zeroOnDeactivate = false and my XML doesnt like it
zeroOnDeactivate deactivates when an input ex. Activate1 is off