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Car Name System v2.0

43.5k xSUPERTTx  4.1 years ago

After some kinda fail of TT GS i started make new GS, with improved and not so cubic design. Anyway this fail show me how to improve design and how to improve car name system. So I announce you my new car name system, now it simplier.


M mini class
G golf class
A average class
F full size class
L large class
S supercar class
U utility class


S Sedan
H Hatchback
L Liftback
V Station wagon
W Crossover

R Roadster
C Coupe

B Bus
U Truck
F Van
P Picup


C Classic base complectation
T Toaring more comfort and lerfomance
X Offroad for bad roads
L Luxury total comfort and privacy
S Sport perfomance version
R Race top perfomance
E Electric just green car

And wait for new SAAB 99 Turbo (not Group B)

And and and I try to make mobile friendly version, so can anybody say me how to add link in the post?