How do i make a fighter jet do a Cobra? I tried thrust vectoring along with Canards and still cant do it sooooo. Does anyone know?
Anyway to motivate you heres Yukari and Riko
How do i make a fighter jet do a Cobra? I tried thrust vectoring along with Canards and still cant do it sooooo. Does anyone know?
Anyway to motivate you heres Yukari and Riko
Pretty sure it has to do something with an overpowering vertical maneuverability and a crap ton of wing surface to make the aircraft work basically as a giant airbrake.
Girls aren’t allowed, SP stands for Sgirls Pbad
aaaa invasion of anime profile pics
@NotErwin d*mn you!
@Rajko ah i see that comment saying im getting rick rolled nice try buddy
@NotErwin fine my apologies i think i went to far. But i have found special thing for you! Here
@Rajko please delete this
@Belugasub huh?
Girls are not allowed