Join Link
Hello all,
In order to facilitate better discussion and also to recruit helpers for the funky trees guide github project, I've launched a Discord server.
Regardless of what level of understanding of FT you have, I'm looking for anyone of any skill level to come in, ask questions, and learn a thing or two.
If you're proficient in frontend web development and would like to help out with the git project, please come in and I'll add you to the repo! We're looking to launch sort of an online course for Funky Trees.
- Snow
Hey dude, i got a funky tree for you, its hard to explain, but i can make it easy if i can talk with you on discord
Code cult
@SnoWFLakEs oh yeah, the big blue writing lol...
Join link is uh, in the post.
I can’t decide if that was a “man crush” rant or proof that “interwebbing when you drunk” is a bad bad idea. Anyway, is there a link to this discord because even though my coding experience amounts to 1 big fat 0 and the best funk of tree I can produce is for gear and door timing, I do like funky trees and would be interested in trying to get my somewhat broken brain around something a bit more complex than “floor(smooth(clamp01(LandingGear),0.25))”.
am intersted
I'm surprised there isn't anything here in the comments while there's a ton of upvotes.
The current guide is definitely not the most easy thing to understand, but it still functions as extensive documentation that most can get by. Don't worry though, the project I'm pushing ahead right now is precisely an easier, more interactive course for FT.