I didn't know how i got to gold, probably upvotes, but thanks guys! thanks for your support, and also for your upvotes lol.
When I started SP, 9 months ago, i never thought i would arrive to gold so fast. Thanks to everyone who upvoted my builds and supported me!
congrats man, tag me in your builds
Or if you ever need help, or want me to teach you anything.
@TheClient ok
If you ever want to do a colab or something let me know.
@TheClient 😂
I remember when I got gold... Oh wait...
Congrats mate!
Hi @Memri
@hihihihellohellohello ?
I’m soon gold
@Memri GIMG** not OP
@Strucker thanks man
@Araknid 😳
Interesting... 🤔
I shall now activate GIMG - Phase 1