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Weapons Update Idea

23.7k TylerWildDog  4.1 years ago

I was coming up with this update idea in a discord server when I was talking to my friends, I came upon my mind that all the weapons should be updated in some way so they can be more realistic as possible without the complexity of XML modding. This is only my idea for an update so don't take this as like actual information about it. Some of these ideas on this list may be removed of they are too complex for the game to handle.


Only for Air-to-Air missiles
Max-LockRange (1-100 miles)
G-Tolerance (1-100 G)
Max-Velocity (1-1500 mps)
Airburst (True or False)
Airburst-Distance (0-10 meters)
Off-BoreSight (1-90 Degrees)
Fin customizer (similar to wing sizing)


FiringDelay (0.1-10 seconds)
Guided (True or False)
Guided-LockRange (1-10 miles)
Cluster (True or False)
Cluster-Amount (2-20)


Limited-Ammo (True or False)
Limited-AmmoCount (100-10000)
Gun-Velocity (100-1500 mps)
Rounds-PerMinute (100-10000)
Ballistic drop like the cannon over range

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    1,916 Imtiaak

    Re-edited version:


    I was coming up with this update idea in a discord server when I was talking to my friends, I came upon my mind that all the weapons should be updated in some way so they can be more realistic as possible without the complexity of XML modding. This is only my idea for an update so don't take this as like actual information about it. Some of these ideas on this list may be removed of they are too complex for the game to handle.


    Only for Air-to-Air missiles
    Max-LockRange (1-100 miles)
    G-Tolerance (1-100 G)
    Max-Velocity (1-1500 Mp/s)
    Airburst (True or False)
    Airburst-Distance ((0-10 meters from target)only if Airburst=True)
    Off-BoreSight (1-90 Degrees)
    Fin customizer (similar to wing sizing)
    ThrustVectoring ((True or False)/degrees per second)
    Cluster (0-20 sub-munitions)
    AltitudeControlMotors (((True or False)/degrees per second)there like RCN's for missiles)


    FiringDelay (0.1-10 seconds)
    Guided (True or False)
    Guided-LockRange (1-10 miles)
    Cluster (True or False)
    Cluster-Amount (2-20)
    MaxTargetingAngle (only if Guided = True)
    ManualGuidance (steerable via joystick or TFGV keys)
    Nuclear (True or False)
    AirBurst (only if Nuclear=False or Nuclear=True)
    AirBurst-Distance((0-10 meters from target)only if Airbust=True)


    Limited-Ammo (True or False)
    Limited-AmmoCount ((100-10000)only if Limited-Ammo=True)
    Gun-Velocity (100-1500 mps)
    Rounds-PerMinute (100-10000)
    Ballistic drop like the cannon over range


    Function (same as missiles)
    Ammo (for rocket pods)
    Airburst (True or False
    Airburst-Distance ((0-10 meters from target)only if Airburst=True)
    Cluster (0-20 aub-munitions)
    Fin customizer
    ManualGuidance (steerable via joystick or TFGV keys)


    Cluster (0-20 sub-munitions)
    MaxTargetingAngle (only if Guided = True)
    ManualGuidance (steerable via joystick or TFGV keys)

    Pinned 4.1 years ago
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    18.8k NexusGaming

    @Viper_Z3R0 Also the following
    Function (same as missiles)
    Ammo (for rocket pods)
    Cluster and ClusterAmount
    Fin customizer
    ManualGuidance (steerable via joystick or TFGV keys)

    Cluster / ClusterAmount
    MaxTargetingAngle (only if Guided = True)
    ManualGuidance (steerable via joystick or TFGV keys)

    MaxTargetingAngle (only if Guided = True)
    ManualGuidance (steerable via joystick or TFGV keys)

    Pinned 4.1 years ago
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    1,916 Imtiaak

    @Viper_Z3R0 thanks

    4.1 years ago
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    23.7k TylerWildDog

    @Imtiaak pinned your comment ^^

    4.1 years ago
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    23.7k TylerWildDog

    @rexzion I know it isn't, I just want to simplify the process

    4.1 years ago
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    11.6k shipster

    And flyable bombs would be pretty fun. Especially when bomb-tossing

    4.1 years ago
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    11.6k shipster

    This would be cool and much easier, but it somewhat detracts from the work of people like myself

    4.1 years ago
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    11.6k shipster

    I’ve spent months cracking the code on how to make guided bombs that don’t have ANY change in speed and have ZERO smoke. I have a GBU-12 and GBU-28B on my page and they are super simple to make and use @Viper_Z3R0

    4.1 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    @Viper_Z3R0 XML isn't hard to use

    4.1 years ago
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    23.7k TylerWildDog

    @rexzion so it is easier to make high performing or make realistic weapons

    4.1 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    bruh why

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    23.7k TylerWildDog

    @Kangy I dont know, that's the one thing that I'm thinking of.. It will break some builds

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    17.1k Kangy

    Good de- I mean, WiiMini @WiiMini

    4.1 years ago
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    @Kangy all have default settings if the update occurs

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    17.1k Kangy

    Looks great, what would happen to the thousands of planes currently on the site though?

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    12.0k Skyler101

    Why not

    4.1 years ago
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    7,513 SuperRoto

    That seems cool

    4.1 years ago
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    4.1 years ago