So for my f-16 I wanted to install and ECM (Electronic Countermeasure) Pod. Unfortunately there is no such thing as radar jamming in Sp. I figure the closest thing to that is confusing the missile of the cockpit's location and vector. To do so I simply connected the cockpit to a piston with extreme range.
From there I set the input to LaunchCountermeasures
and the range to 30. So even when you run out of flares you still have some form of evasion when you activate countermeasures.
The only flaws so far is that it temporarily messes any data coming from the cockpit like speed, altitude, and AOA. It also messes up the view a bit but this is fixed pretty easy with a camera.
@UmbrellaCorporation Press the launch flare button.
@UmbrellaCorporation Yeah its on that. Just download it and take it apart.
@UmbrellaCorporation Its the f-16 I made awhile ago
That's a very cool way of adding radar jamming to SP
if aoa gives spastic inputs when using it realistically that thing would be spinning out of control
Nice thought!
I actually used this in MP against trolls lmfao
Clever thinking