Hmm. I didn’t think it was. You see, I’ve got a cousin on jakku and she was saying that there it was total lockdown and then my brothers, is on tatooine, and he was saying that you can cough on people now, it left taooine @UraniumOxide
@CaptainRex123 We were in the purple about a month and a half ago but since the mask mandate, everything has basically gone back to normal. But just to be safe, I’m still wearing one.......
Ok! @UraniumOxide
Sure @Kipo
Ok, maybe tomorrow? @UraniumOxide
If you do, six feet apart. Or two crocodiles.@Kipo
@UraniumOxide maybe I will come over?
Yeah, that hasn’t been happening on Ach-to. @Kipo
Hmm. I didn’t think it was. You see, I’ve got a cousin on jakku and she was saying that there it was total lockdown and then my brothers, is on tatooine, and he was saying that you can cough on people now, it left taooine @UraniumOxide
@Kipo We just have a beach and yes, they are open.
@UraniumOxide yeah, I spose. How about star ships? Is your port open yet?
We got put in lockdown, but since the island is so isolated, it didn’t last long. @CaptainRex123
So, did you guys get put into lockdown? Us brits certainly did. We still are..... @UraniumOxide
@CaptainRex123 We were in the purple about a month and a half ago but since the mask mandate, everything has basically gone back to normal. But just to be safe, I’m still wearing one.......
@UraniumOxide, has life on Luke’s island returned to normal yet?
@CaptainRex123 Correct,
I see you ports r taking COVID seriously, wearing masks. Unlinke some people....................... @UraniumOxide
I dont eat both, but I guess turkey?
Peasant! I have honey glazed turkey that tastes like ham!
Neither are better. Nothing comes close to the might of pumpkin pie!
I understand @hihihihellohellohello
positiveplanes @TriStar
K, what was the old acc’s name @hihihihellohellohello
technically i deleted the old account so its a main not an alt now @TriStar
Okay admit it who are you the alt of @hihihihellohellohello
Yes @RamboJutter