Image will be provided (doesn't work currently) as a basis for what it may look like; of course, making a 3D creation out of a 2D sprite will be difficult, and due to me being me, the procrastination level is going to be insane, so expect it after about a month or few.
For those who wanna do "research" on the thing, here ya go
Also, you can see how it looks like on the link, bear with me lol
Something new is coming from the depths of the cosmos... eventually.
3,225 JeskoGoesVROOM
4.1 years ago
ok so image doesn't work, i need a fix somebody please help aaaaaaaa
@JeskoGoesVROOM Ok
yeah it's a mod lol
i used to be hella obsessed with the W O R M so now i am paying tribute by remaking it in SP
Oh it's a terraria mod
I thought that was terraria lol