The G6 Rhino is a South African self-propelled artillery unit in use since the 1980s.
Unfortunately presentation isn't nearly as good. I'm going to be detailing the heck out of this and it's very far from being done. The grey swing arm is for the suspension. It's a really weird system on the front, and the rear wheels have tank-like suspension. Decals, details, etc will come much later, not until I've added the wheels and turret. I feel like I should have auto aim but I also don't because it would be fun to have to manually aim it. Furthermore it's an SPA not a SPAAG, so a radar aiming system would be unrealistic.
This'll be my first military vehicle so hopefully it actually goes well!
@AvalonIndustries yeah you’re welcome lmao
@asteroidbook345 that was a year ago lol
Thanks for responding tho
@AvalonIndustries no lol
When will you be sub,toting your entry to my challenge? If you do then it would be epic cause then I could say that u did it!
Hey want info on the nitro competition?
Are u still live
I see an animal, i CAST. FIST.
Lmao I thought it was a militarized rhino from wild kratts