well, ok.
I know who this person is in real life, they are just being funny lol. Acepilot108 is not my alt as its really my friends messing with me. I'm sorry if this confuses anyone, just be where and I hope they don't black mail me!!!
But we might get married.
Original Post
bean bag chair
I'm not messing with you, I actually love you
Congrats on marriage!
It's time to find out who is ACEPILOT108.... @ACEPILOT108
@ACEPILOT109 @ACEPILOT108 I hope it goes well! Congrats!!!
Dang, well I wish you well both of you! @ACEPILOT108 @ACEPILOT109
Shoot u right 😂@shipster
(Insert judgmental comment here) jk lol funny man
I figured but it’s 2021 which means that it’s most likely possible...which is creepy as hell
We might meet @PapaKernels
Wow congrats
But my irl friends honestly dont care about this cool game so nothing like this is going to happen to me.
I dont get it. ( read that in Patrick's voice)
Simper is @acepilot109
Simp @rexzion
Are you actually getting married????? @ACEPILOT109
cmon keep the joke going you ruinin it
@KnightOfRen thats their kid lmao
Where is ACEPILOT107 smh
@ACEPILOT109 still simp
its a man