Hi community,
I tried to make a plane that really looks like a plane and not like squary something. And for this I designed new custom landing gear. Sounds good, but it seems to have very weak conection betwen wheel and wheel axle. Everytime I spawn on rwy, wheels sudenlly make camber like 45° and after few meters of rolling gear explodes. I'm really annoyed, how useless my plane now is.
Please help. I really don't know what to do.
@JamesieMcPlanesieThe2st Those asymptotes are expressions how much can wheel deflect from axle? I thought they were for traction.
Its not absuredly heavy, planes irl are heavier, like 737.@JamesieMcPlanesieThe2st
It was suspension issue, just had to make suspension strength on wheels higher.
Set these 4 values to be higher.. Then your plane doesn't have to be absurdly heavy. :)
@Astro12 after scholl I will spend some time finding the right balance
@Bananek71 50 is a lot . Put it at 20.
@Astro12 Yeah set to 50, works perfectly
@Bananek71 To fix it, you have to set a higher value. But do not overdo it, or the landing gear may fall off in flight.
@Astro12 Thanks very much. Camber stayed but at least it doesn´t blow up on takeoff
@Bananek71 yes
@Astro12 'massScale' on wheels?
try to Set
to 5