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Funf-Kaltes Herz VS Giocatore Senza Nome (Nameless Player)

27.8k Strucker  4.1 years ago

Hey all,

I'm going to be writing a pretty lengthy forum post today, and on a topic I haven't ever spoke about. This is mostly the difference of quality, and the topic of why I build. The latter will only be touched on slightly, considering this post is dedicated to comparing 2 of my builds, made not too far apart.


This is the worst plane I have ever made. Many people on discord however, say they prefer it to any of my other builds, I'd rather they didn't because it infuriates me.

I picked out a few of the main things that I feel make the plane disappointing. The first glaring issue with the plane is the part count, now normally my planes are around 700+ parts, but the reason I am putting the plane here, is that it's obnoxious with how many parts there are used. This plane would probably have been 400 parts or less had I not been so careless in building the plane.

The wings are put together in the most haphazard way possible. The clipping is ridiculous and it's very clearly lazily made, only thing that seems like effort is the shape of the wings.

Moreover, the next issue is just the weapon place, and lack thereof. The landing gear was placed before the weapons, either way there would be no excuse for the placement of them. The landing gear folds the wrong way, the way it wasn't intended to just so I didn't have to put anymore effort into it.

It's rather strange that I am going to be comparing it to a non-military plane, but it's the only plane I can really compare it to. The next terrible thing is the landing gear itself, now normally I re-use Die Draco Zwei's gear and change it to fit the plane, but this plane doesn't even have that. It's gear from an even earlier plane that was the only one I could find which wouldn't be difficult to make work. The gear isn't designed for the plane, not even repurposed. The front gear is just a stick with wheels on it.

Onto the second to last point, the messiness of the wings and such. It's no secret, since I said it earlier, the wings are messy as hell, but they don't look that way due to methods of hiding it rather than fixing it. The control surfaces don't have any clean edges, just a mess of fuselage that I didn't bother to try and clean up. The custom control surfaces become apparent once you actually use the plane. They're god-awful, and I'll be damned if you like them.

The last point is more of a less visual one. Its flight model/performance is questionably bad, it doesn't work as a fighter, it's as I described it to a friend, a plane on cocaine.

In conclusion, the plane is terrible. And to be honest, it pleases those that want me to make a plane that looks more realistic, but the ignorance in saying it's my best plane just because it looks how they want is ridiculous.
Point A: Familiar design does not equal good.
Point B: Make sure you take into consideration the visual aspects of a build, if a plane has a decal or livery that's detailed, then it's probably more cared for than a plane that has, say, nothing but a decal that was pre-made by them and used on other builds, I'm going to say, there's a fair chance it had less effort put into them.

I'd say minimalist planes do it better than that plane, minimalist planes for me are Die Draco Zwei, and Die Draco Drei. They both have wing designs that are subtle.

Giocatore Senza Nome:

Note: I'll be referring to this as its English translation, Nameless Player.

The Nameless Player is a plane that I love, and it's a plane that I've put a lot of effort into, keep in mind it isn't finished. The main differences between the 2 in this post is that Nameless is a more "future"/Sci-fi build and civilian.

This plane is what I'd describe as the top of my game, with a custom made decal, unlike the Funf-Kaltes Herz. The Funf-Kaltes uses a decal that was slapped on to make it look better, the dragon was custom made for another plane. It also uses ideas from other planes like my Wildheat, which has a red trim on the inlet and fuselage.

Just as I did before, I'll start with the part count. The main plane is relatively low part, the parts all come from the decals/wing art and other details. The wings are a little bit less complex yet use the method that I should have used on the Funf-Kaltes.

The gear was taken from DDZ, but changed again, giving the look of being semi-complicated while being very simply made. It's not one long stick with 2 extra parts with the "run" and "Rise" used to make it less straight. The rear gear is also the same as the front gear, however, this is due to the fact it just works.

The Nameless Player also has extra detail like the text on its inlets, which reads:

Nothing feels as satisfying to me than a plane that shows how to look good in different ways. Even if I'm not as good at building as others, I do feel that I build things with a certain style. Now, this isn't the end, as there's one last comparison, the wings are not that messy, they're much more clean than most of my other planes. They're made much more well than Funf-Kaltes Herz. I'll be level, I thought, I wanted to make Funf-Kaltes, but I really didn't, I made it to please the agenda of some people.


In summary, don't take the German named plane as my best, it's me at my worst when it comes to building. If you want any example of the best plane I've made, I feel it's mostly the Nameless Player, but my favourite is the ZCa 99s Wildheat.

I build to have fun, I build to make something I will want to use. I haven't used Funf-Kaltes Herz since I made it.