So, i haven't tried this out, but i'm sure someone knows if this will work.
My Idea us that, to keep the number of parts in a craft and thus the amount of work fir the computer minimal by using cannons as bomblet dispensers. There might be a way to fire cannons even after deraching them from an aircraft, in which case this would make for a very interesting option for cluster bombs, as they could be kept relatively small. Also, the cannons xml properties give the user quite a lot of freedom in regards to how the bomblets get dispersed, making use if the firingDelay and projectileVelocity parameters. By adjusting the muzzle flash of one or more cannons, it could also be possible to achieve a more realistic detaching of the 'hull' or casing prior to bomblet dispensing.
As you can see, the use of activation Groups, and the cannons xml properties make this relatively new weapon very versatile, and fun to use. I'd really like to see some creations using this technique, i for myself will not work on this, as, for the sake of my a-levels, i deinstalled simpleplanes, and do not plan to come back to playing it in the next few months. I, in little more than one and a half years have amassed almost seven hundred hours of playtime, most of which from the last year or so. For my taste that is way too much, and i will keep myself from playing at least for the next two months. I'm still reading forum posts though, so if you created something using cannons, feel free to message or tag me, im really interested in what you come up or have already come up with, as i doubt that i'm the only one here tinkering with cannons. Well, see you soon. Simpleplanes is still one of the greatest games/tools i've experienced abd has one of the coolest most creative community i've got to know :D Bye
Did not expect this to turn into such a personal message but oh well i guess its happened niw