How to make sure that something deactivates if there is no target selected?
@edensk thanks
TargetSelected & TargetDistance <= 5000 & Activate2
@edensk I mean like for guns and stuff not for rotators XD I want it to be activated by activation 2 under the condition that a target is selected and under 5001metres away than I can shoot
TargetSelected ? (something) : 0 or clamp01(TargetSelected)*(something)
TargetSelected ? (something) : 0
@edensk thanks
TargetSelected & TargetDistance <= 5000 & Activate2
@edensk I mean like for guns and stuff not for rotators XD I want it to be activated by activation 2 under the condition that a target is selected and under 5001metres away than I can shoot
TargetSelected ? (something) : 0