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Plane yaws to left on ground

3,515 s89Aerospace  4.1 years ago

My plane turns to the left during takeoff. It can fly fine. The aircraft uses resizable wheels. Is there a way to stop this?


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    @ChiChiWerx that's how I built it, but it didn't seem to work. I could try and see if it's the rear wheels, which it may be. I'll test that hypothesis later.

    4.1 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    @asteroidbook345 try doubling up the nose wheel, then nudging them together so that they appear as one. Also, a weight imbalance between the two sides can also cause veering. My advice, of course, tends to assume a neat/symmetrical build technique, though the sideways traction thing fixes swerving all other things being done correctly.

    4.1 years ago
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    @ChiChiWerx I did it on my MiG-15 and it's still turning though. I find it ironic I'm having the same problem but still giving advice about it.

    4.1 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    What @asteroidbook345 said. Making sure the nose wheel is centered and the main wheels are precisely opposite each other is important, but it really does come down to lowering the traction on the nose/front wheels. I do that for all my builds and it’s a life saver.

    4.1 years ago
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    334 particle

    Just check aliment I had same prob front wheel was off center

    4.1 years ago
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    Lower the sideways traction on the front wheels, increase it in the back.

    4.1 years ago