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3,579 RPC3503  4.0 years ago

So I want to know if you guys (mobile users) are using my planes lag-free.

If you are, In my planes, rate from 1-5 stars.

1 star-Very laggy
2 stars-laggy
3 stars-A bit laggy
4 stars-Not very much laggy
5 stars-Very mobile friendly and lag-free

But if you have comments as well, do it like this:

(Input the stars here) input your comment here

And I will put up a "Mobile Friendly" tag if it has at least 4-5 stars. And it'll be verified as mobile friendly

And of course, you don't place the stars here. Because if you place it here, I won't know if one of my planes isn't mobile friendly. So, you place it in my planes, not here. Each of my planes are different after all.