The Krakabloan-Wright Democratic Republic (simply known as Krakabloan Federation) is a archipelago state comprising of 3 islands: Wright Isles, Krakabloa, and Maywar. It has maritime borders with Republic of Snowstone, Kingdom of Murowka and Fghabomo Republic to the north, Stuntpark Republic to the south, and Philippines and Guam The country first formed when the newly formed Krakabloan Revolutionary Forces took over the whole island of Krakabloa.(signaling the start of the Tri-Island Revolution and the KRF lost once during the takever of Krakabloa and Snowstone due to multiple bombing runs over the two islands by the Americans) but the Krakabloan guerrillas survived because of retreating to random locations around Mt. Krakabloa. It continued to the US territory of Snowstone until they occupied the Wright Isles (which is also US territory) making them declared independence. After the war, occupation, and finally evacuation of 20,000 residents (which the American run territory reduced to only Sky Park City and others defected to the Islamic Republic of Maywar), KRF were reorganised as Krakabloan Democratic Armed Defence Forces and divided into 3 branches: The Krakabloan Democratic Army, Krakabloan Naval Forces and the Krakabloan Air Defence. And also after the KRF won the war, they coined the term 'supreme minister' to determine their first leader (it is also used alongside the word 'president'). The newly formed government also established the country's own police force called 'Krakabloan National Democratic Police'. And also, the government has founded the Supreme Minister's Protection and Defence Force.
The country is itself normally, a UN member, and a member of other organizations: International Maritime Organization, Quad-Partite Pact, Saterian Alliance. The country has 5 political parties, the largest of which is Supreme Democracy Party. Roman Catholic is the largest religion in the country with 80% of the population as members. It has a micro-nation in the territory, named Yeager-Bandit Republic. It also has it's own armed forces. Media is not a problem in the country, but with close supervision from the government.
Government: Presidential Republic (Nazi-based, under military rule)
President: SheriffHackdogMCPE (SDP)
Islands: 3 (1 now seperated from the country, declared independence and now recognised as the Snowstone Republic) and the former Islamic Republic of Maywar
National motto: "Democracy, Prosperity, Integrity"
National Anthem: "Democratic Song For Victory"
How big it is: 95 sq/mile
GDP: $69,354,272,287
Per capita GDP: $8,328
Armed forces: Krakabloan Democratic Armed Defence Forces (with fund of $2,000,000)
Flag carrier (main airline): AeroKrak
Air force strength: 2,000,000 active personnel, 230 MIG-15s(nearing retirement), 12 AN26 cargo aircrafts, 102 MIG-29 fighters, 29 MIG-21 fighters, 37 Vertigo VTOL fighters, 42 VP-1B Barracuda 'Natalie Oulette' FACA fighters, 12 VP-1B Spyder 'Jeff the Killer' supersonic dual-stabilizer FACA fighter jets, 4 presidential transport aircraft (1 decommissioned) and 1 Aerospatiale SN-600 business jet (for Vice President transport), 45 Robinson R44 helicopters, 3 new MCTTs/ Military Cargo and Troop Transport (An225 Mriya) and 5 new E250 Gatot Kaca early warning aircraft, 17 KAI FA-50KRKs (with trainer variants and [TOP SECRET], 18 new Hakdog Aerospace HA-32 trainers and 38 air and ground role combat variants, 19 new CMAircraftManufacturing AD-A10-100 attack, 35 new Hakdog Aerospace XQ-2918 supersonic fighter jets (comes in carrier based or non carrier based variants, ready for delivery) and 27 new Hakdog Aerospace HA-9013 Krakfighter fighters (replacement for MiG-15, ready for delivery), 27 Kamov KA-27 helicopters, and a military fund of 200,000 Kraks
Army strength: 210,000 active personnel, 215,000 rifles, 2,102 Jackhammer APCs, 4000 Humvees, 200 Dodge RAM 4x4 pickups (with turrets) and 35 artillery trailers, 44 new GAZ-66 troop carriers and cannon-equipped variant and military fund of 109,000 Kraks
Navy strength: 3,000,000 active personnel, 2 Beast-class carriers (KDNS Jundroo, formerly USS Beast before capture) and KDNS Natalie Oulette (the navy's first brand new carrier) 2 destroyers (KDNS Minecraft and Roblox) and 3 Heritage-class WW2 destroyers (KDNS Wright, Skypark and Snowstone) and new 34 missile boats, 1 new destroyer KDNS AndrewGarrison, proposed new destroyer (KDNS Sasageyo) and 37 new Hakdog Aerospace XQ-2918 Trijet supersonic fighter jets (ready for delivery)
Police strength: 200,000 personnel, 212 VAZ-2107/Lada Riva police cruisers, 344 Toyota Land Cruiser Police SUVs, 12 Robinson R44 helicopters, 21 Jackhammer APCs, 24 proposed armored van for the SWAT team, 69 YSF Model-1 Street Patrol, 124 Suzuki Swift (1993) police sedans, 46 Mitsubishi Lancer Turbo police cruiser, 23 proposed Boeing CH47 Chinook helicopters
Highest point: Mt. Krakabloa
Main airport: Wright Airport
Currency: Krak
Largest company: Hackdog Aerospace
(Net worth 15B Kraks/$52 trillion dollars)
Ideology: Hackdogism with functions of a normal Republic, also known as Neo-Titoism
Left wing democracy
Language: English, Filipino, Krakabloan
Population: 202,289
Capital: Wright Town (just a plain at end of Wright airport runway)
Alliances: Quad Partite Pact, Saterian Alliance (military support)
Friendly countries: Fghabomo Republic, Snowstone Republic, Kingdom of Murowka, Erandian Federation and Republic of Pizzascnithel
Hostile Countries: Islamic Republic of Maywar (former), United States of America
80% Christian/Catholic
32.3% Jewish
29.1% Folk religion
2.9% Islam
1.0% Atheist/no religion
89% Wrightian
40% Vulcanese
24.9% Nicro
19.9% Filipino
Political and administrative divisions
Federal Capital Region (Wright Town)
Wright Rural Area
Yeager Airport Area (Military Aviation Complex)
Mt. Krakabloa Volcanic Zone
Krakabloan Coastal Zone
Krakabloan Tribal Zone
Bandit Airport Area
Province of Lenin Island
Province of Seaville
Province of New Keewatin
Province of Newland
Member of:
United Nations (UN)
Quad Partite Pact
BRICS (observer)
ASEAN (observer)
Administrative and Autonomous Areas
Suicide Trench Tribal Autonomous Region
Temporary Foreign Military Contingency Region (Under Quad-Partite Pact agree ment, located in Main Missile Launch Facility and Avalanche Airport in Snowstone Republic)
Autonomous Province of Muslim Maywar
And just a fact: Krakabloan Naval Forces share aircraft with Krakabloan Air Defence (only MIG15, MIG29 and R44) and meanwhile on the Krakabloan Democratic Army, they also share aircraft with the Krakabloan Air Defence (AN26 and R44 only)
As you can see, my roleplay is realistically detailed, from population data, political data, military data, ethnicities, and more functions that a country has. Also, don't take my political stances seriously, this is just a roleplay and simulation and not real life politics, this is just my simulation. (yeah I decided to take my irl political knowledge into something fictional) and since I was playing a lot of Rebel Inc. before I joined this community, so that inspired me to make a Country RP in SimplePlanes.
@F16xl nevermind, me and krakabloa is allies now
This is Wrong: Wright is Indepent and at war with krakabloa
@ab population (kinda)
wait how does Religion add up to 197.5% and Ethnicity to 173.8% lol
@MIRAplanes wow
Ok, we'll send about 20 400oz bars of gold to you guys (around 1,113,109,500 rubles worth of gold, or $15,000,000) via NH-880 helicopters