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Question: why have I lost all hydraulic power..?

545 MrMelanchology  4.1 years ago

I’m making a plane, and suddenly the yaw and roll is out of control, really unsensitive but prone to sudden turns. It is in a state of constant yaw going sideways. Going up on the controls makes it roll, and it also is in a constant roll. I added a gyro but it hasn’t helped, any ideas..?

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    133k Kennneth

    Did you turn the device gyroscope control option on? Turning that off might help

    4.1 years ago
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    4.1 years ago
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    Yeah, @UsualPiooneer I’ve been making crafts for a while just started uploading them recently, I’ve checked that and the mass is in the middle. I can upload the craft to here, if you want.

    4.1 years ago
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    laughs in United airlines flight 232

    4.1 years ago
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    I fixed some things, but it’s rolled a bit to the left and yawed to the left, stuck in a turn.

    4.1 years ago